You see where you own problem lies ?
Don’t use the state that you watch some player as a fact that mercy doesn’t need changes… they don’t represent the entire community.
This is stupid argument that everybody can make.
I could say:
“I know, know of, and/or watch the games of many folks who play on the PC, and the vast majority of of them share the opinion that Mercy is not fine in her current state”
I don’t see any problem with the statements I made
The two groups are not directly comparable
I will presume you meant “statement” here for purposes of my reply, but if I have that wrong feel free to supply clarification
They (as well as those I know and those I know of who have made statements her on the forums across many Mercy-related threads in regards to this matter, tho these were left off of your statement above) represent a piece of my experience, and in my overall experience and ergo my opinion, Mercy is fine
Yes, it says a lot when one is replying to a statement that indicates (gist, not a quote) that mercy is fine on console
key words “on console”
Therefore, I made a statement about my experiences involving Mercy play on PC
It’s totally possible, that Mercy is fine on console. Just like Pharah is nightmare for console players, but on PC…well, we got plenty of hitscan heroes, that can shoot her out of the sky.
Still, it’s not an argument to not change her on PC. Since mouse+keyboard are considered cheating on console, but on PC those are completely normal.
I’d rather not have an ult at all over Valkyrie… if removing Mercy’s ult completely meant there was room for slight buffing to her kit I’d take it in a heartbeat. Valkyrie is the primary reason I stopped playing Overwatch some 13 months ago…
Actually, I’d probably have no ult at all even without any slight buffs to Mercy’s regular kit. Valkyrie is Blizzard’s way of telling Mercy players that they can, and should, be replaced by two clothing pins.
I don’t think they need to remove Valk to buff her base kit. Geoff already said that he is considering/looking at/thinking of potential buffs to her base kit atm, if my interpretation of this is correct:
If anything, E rez is sucking up her power budget more than Valk.
I concur… I would much prefer if Valkyrie was replaced with something more impactful / her own big hero moment. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if they made Valk the E move and Resurrect the ultimate if they have to. For some Valk is incredibly fun, which is fine, but I certainly think that they could do a lot better.
Oh, I believe they’re just projecting their opinion, assuming it to be fact. I’d Just ignore it. (or if you want to have some fun, ask for proof and enjoy the endless loop of avoiding the question).
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance. xavvypls