Can Mercy please have a new ultimate?

I hate to be the guy, for 8000th time, but can Mercy’s ultimate be changed?
Valkyrie is one of the worst ultimates in the game, and feels that way too.
When I see an ultimate, I want something new that you can only get with your ultimate, not something I use all game with a little flight added to the mix.
Even Baptiste’s ultimate seems better and cooler than Mercy’s and it’s just a see through wall.


I just don’t like valk itself. It can be balanced, but the concept is just not there for me. I’d love a new ult for mercy.


Valkyrie is a great ultimate.

I’d rather have it over Baptiste ult, Sym ult, rally, Orisa ult, Pulse bomb, infrasight, Highnoon, or Hanzo ult any day.


I wish I see what you see. All I see is fly and play Mercy just like you always play Mercy.


i know you said that baptise’s seems better but i really don’t agree. powered flight; a network of healing/damage boosting. insane GA speeds while in this form.

the only weakness in the ult is just how you’re never in the right place to use it, which is while you’re in the air so you already have a bird’s eye view of the battlefieild


If they change it - which is highly doubtful - it’ll only be after goats is broken up and she’s relevant to the meta again.

The change will probably be like +5 HPS or something, too. Personally I just wish they’d get rid of the way hitting Q interrupts your healing chain.


But Baptiste can shoot through a wall and go pew pew pew… :worried:

and mercy can fly at you and go pew pew while healing herself constantly


I think that Mercy taking flight like a valkyrie is the coolest thing. It’s a shame that the actual gameplay part didn’t pan out.

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Maybe that’s your problem.


I didn’t mean that literally. I know there are some new things you can do, but overall, you’re just giving chain heals/boosting most of the time.
It’s like a watered down Orisa and Zen ult combined.


20 Hps isn’t enough to outheal anything at all.

A McCree hitting one shot every THREE seconds is enough to eventually kill you.

All the McCrees I’ve played against can definitely land 3 shots before regen can do anything.

Hell, recently, Widowmakers have been picking my head off out of my AD spam when I try to attack helicopter them.

That’s not even mentioning the 12 year olds incessantly screeching at me as soon as I so much as touch my scroll wheel to change weapons.


I’d rather it stayed like it is. It’s very unique and versatile. I don’t want another “heals through burst damage” ult like people keep asking for. We already have those with other supports.

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I’ll definitely keep the flight. I just don’t like the enhanced abilities concept. Maybe like a cleansing aura for everyone around her or something.

The enhanced abilities are what I like about it. It’s the only ult that can do more than one thing and isn’t mostly the same with every activation.


Valkyrie is so boring. I like Mercy’s base gameplay, but not on easy mode.

Valk is easy mode.

Please devs, give Mercy an ult that gives her something brand new and exciting to do. Something that gives Mercy some actual playmaking capabilities.


IKR? How is one supposed to take advantage of the 60 hps to try and give yourself that umpfh if using Valkryie stops you from healing them for almost a second.

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Valkyrie does have massive playmaking possibilities, but it’s not easy to do (like every other support ult). If you think it’s easy mode AND unimpactful, it’s because you only use the easy part of it for minimal impact, which is all you’ll ever get from floating and holding down a mouse button.

This is a good idea, though.

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If only the main beam target could get like 80hps, while the chain heals could be lowered to 55hps. It would make her ultimate so much better in actually supporting the team when you could heal priority targets more efficiently, giving it more impact which it sorely lacks, while not boosting the overall potential healing done at all and would make her ultimate more active in terms of gameplay. But she certainly would benefit from +20hps on the main beam target overall when damage is going to become even heavier with baptiste.

I can’t even count the amount of times my teammates have just died on me, despite using valkyrie. Enemy doesn’t even need to use ultis to deal more damage than mercy can heal.

It’s going to be even worse with baptiste and his amplification matrix.


I’d take valk over meteor strike.