Can Mercy please have a new ultimate?

And Trans takes away orb prioritization and shooting away from Zen. Emp takes Hack prioritzation away from Sombra. Tac Visor takes aim away from solider. Primal Rage takes the ability to bubble or shock away from Winston. ult literally takes her mech away from her. Heck, half the ults in the game stop heroes from using their base kit (Roadhog Ult, Torb ult, Moira ult, Trans, etc.)

Ults don’t have to follow the “rules” of your base kit. That’s why they are ults, and not in your base kit.

You can still do that tho…you have faster GA and longer GA range. If you are just floating in the air during Valkyrie and not using GA to dodge attacks, that’s a yikes. Maybe that works in low SR’s, but in masters and above you have to be dodging and flying around like crazy.

But again, Valkyrie’s description says “Mercy gains the ability to fly and her abilities are enhanced”. She’s supposed to gain freeflight and independant mobility, that’s literally the point of the ult.

I mean’t to type “Aren’t”, my bad.

Not debating that. My point was that it’s taking away “things to do”, and not repacking them with anything. It just makes everything easier which I don’t like (hence the tac visor example).

This just makes everything easier, and more boring.

Yeh…? That is boring. If it was actual flight were there was some sort of interesting mechanic involved (like Pharah, but even her flight mechanic is pretty meh. Just that valk blows it out of the water for how dull it is) it might be interesting. Instead it’s just hovering around.

The absolute best change that has ever been introduced to Mercy was the original bunny hop bug where you kept your momentum. Do it right, and you fling yourself around very quickly, screw it up or get hit by a concussive and you’ll get blown across the Mediterranean to Africa (personal experience, though I only made it half way cos I hit the edge of the map =)

Why not? Why does it have to be easy mode like Soldier/Mercy? Winston ult is one I like. Basically an experience of “have your learnt how to jump properly cos if not your screwed” which is great.

In my opinion, Mercy’s ultimate is one of the best in the game, and arguably the very most versatile

I dont want it changed

you’re not wrong but what i’m trying to say is that the fact that you don’t make many decisions and it’s not short and explosive like many other ults makes it less impactful and so tedious to use

i still do think that pushing with nano is better than pushing with Valkyrie and
you dodged the issue here! there are other ults that have the same effect as Valkyrie but are better


i’d love that!

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I had an idea to make Valkyrie more interesting by removing freeflight and simply giving her GA a speed and range buff, and also decreasing the CD and buffing the bunny hop distance/speed you get at the end. It’d reward skillful movement and be really fun.

Agreed, it was the best time for Mercy. Once on Illios lighthouse, I was on point and my team all died, and then a roadhog ulted me as Mercy. I got pushed so far away off the map that I ended up back in my own spawn with the rest of my team as they were coming out. It was like a free reset lol.

Because if you are forcing someone to earn an ultimate over the course of the map, by hitting shots/dealing damage or doing healing, I don’t feel like they should then have to work even harder to use the ultimate they just spent a minute earning. In my opinions, you earn ults, and the most skillful thing about them should be when and where you use them. Trans isn’t hard at all, mechanically speaking, but the skill in it is timing.

Yeah we all want mass rez back give us mass rez


Weird how it’s always the people who don’t play Mercy telling the ones who do that she’s fine, and that her ultimate is “”“fun”""".

Regardless of whether it does anything or not, the ultimate isn’t impactful like other ultimates. Blizzard needs to change it.


I get that, I’m always up for making Mercy more interesting and skillful. If you saw on the thread with Geoff, I asked if he would consider giving Mercy a burst heal type ability on her R/reload key for her staff, and he said “that’s certainly possible” which makes me hopeful that they test it, lol. Anyways, if she did get that, it’d be especially cool to use it during Valk, to give a teamwide burst heal or something and make it more interactive. Like, imagine you have your chain beams on people, and then you hit your Reload button to send out a wave of burst healing throughout all the beams. It’d make it a lot more good at saving your team in certain situations (without being overbearingly defensive), and it would also give an element of decision making since the burst heal would probably be on a CD.

Yes but with many abiltiies, the time to kill/damage breakpoints aren’t much different. Like, a nano genji ult can kill through trans, but he can also kill through trans with damage boost (he just has to land his dash too). My main point was, Mercy can achieve similar effects to nano boost, just with her right click. But now that Nano gives 300 HP burst heal it is arguably a lot better overall for saving someone from death.

Also, is this idea interesting to you at all?

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I do play Mercy. I have 700 hours on her and have mained her since launch :thinking:

People who play Mercy can have different opinions


Valkyrie has a lot of playmaking abilities, but being able to point them out is really hard because its up to you as the Mercy player to be creative with it. While I despise Valkyrie right down to its core, to sit there and deny its endless possibilities would be a far cry.

Either you can list the playmaking abilities or you can’t.

Being vauge and insisting that Valk does have playmaking abilities while refusing to actually list them sounds very disingenuous.

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It’s about how creative you are with it. Whether your zipping in and healing and then swapping to your pistol to pop a few baddies then going in for a closing rez, or going in pistol a blazing and ending it with a gigantic push with Damage Boost, the list goes on and on. Its how you interpret it

Yeh screw the free flight. Simple speed boost could be interesting coupled with an overheal on target like tf2 but get rid of the chain beams (or make the chains do almost no healing and no overhealing). But then again I still liked mass res with reasonable adjustmenus (NO INVULN FFS) an have a short vertical boost on her E.

But I doubt any of these things will ever happen and I uninstalled last year anyway and none of the changes they’ve since brought in have interested me (I still hope that something interesting pops up, hence why I’m on the forums but it doesn’t seem very likely =).

Lol good times. Hell I even sort of liked one of earlier versions of Valk cos I enjoyed the absurdly long fights. This was only cos the enemy had a Mercy too and we basically kept the game in overtime for 5 minutes cos we brought everyone back who died. Nightmarishly overpowered though.

Well I guess it comes to personal preference. I dislike the ones that are assistive (like valk/tac visor). Though I think a lot of Genjis kit is bs and crutches I still like the idea of a brief melee period where you do a ton of damage. I like monkeys thing for previous reasons too. I don’t mind trance cos of its short duration/range.
Part of learning the hero is learning how to use their ult and making the character/the ultimate/both have some complexity makes the game/hero more interesting and engaging.

I agree. It’s not a very fun and engaging ultimate.

yeah i read that and it seems nice!

i know that for 200hp heroes nano blade and boosted blade act the same way but it’ll start showing some differences once the size of the health bars go up
like nano blade can one dash+slash 250hp heroes but genji needs 2 slashes with boost (i think it (by it i mean boosted dash+slash) does something like 220 or something?)
also i said that because you said

they’re not exactly the same.

i getcha!

i do like this idea but we know that extremely fast abilities cause technical issues or very unique situations… like did you know that when you dash as genji your hit box stays at the location where you started dashing until it’s over and then it teleports to your new location? and I’ve seen some glitches and bugs with tracer and oof… doomfist
so… i’d like it if they did that but would you be okay with if she was buggy and glitchy for a couple of patches?

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As long as it got worked out haha

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Mercy ulti is so good that it can be tossed away in favour of playing lucio. Just happened in vancouver vs chengou. Speed boost >> mercy ulti. Even haksal at least tried to make use of his 50% ulti charge and bladed before swapping away from genji vs goats.


Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because they were swapping their supports so they could run GOATS, which Mercy does absolutely nothing for. And yeah, speed boost is better than a lot of things in the game, that’s why it just got slammed with then nerf hammer on PTR.

But apparently if a Pro swaps off a hero when they have that ult, it means that heros ult needs buffs. Not like they’ve done it with Dva, Winston, etc. etc. etc. all the time too.

I think that as a concept, it’s good, and could be balanced. But I agree that in the current state it’s garbage. I’m in bronze, and though I haven’t played in a bit, using your ult just made you a clearer target for people to hit at. The increased ga is nice, but I’ve learned to manage the cooldown pretty well, so that doesn’t help me much. I personally think that it needs an overall speed and healing buff, but have it so there is a meter that shows how mcuh vertical movement you have left, making it not just a boring flight simulator.

Worst power ever. Just no.