Can junkrat have two traps?

With this change he can be a better pick against dive heros.


That would be… utterly frustrating.

And I say this as someone who plays a decent bit of Junk


Only if You play dive

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I mean any tank really. Imagine two traps at the door at spawn. Or trying to push in as Rein when there’s two traps being placed

Hahaa xd yep.

Anyway maybe You can put something to disable the posibility to put one trap near the other trap

Idk man I’m not a huge fan of traps…


I’ve always kinda wanted him to be able to have two mines on the ground at the same time, because I’ve left one mine in a strategic place and wanted the other to use on command.

I still have no idea how you would choose which one to detonate, though.

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Honestly, Junk is very fine where he is. You need to realize that other heroes need a buff instead. We need to rework a lot of heroes, if not buff them. The only solution I’ve seen recently from some characters is by balancing a nerf with a buff or just a nerf. Ex: They buff Hog and nerf other characters, decrease shield by half, and not add in new heroes. Maybe the reason why Overwatch is in such a messed up state is because the people at Blizzard are working on Overwatch 2. But yeah. He’s def fine. A whole tone of things need to work.

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Ooo you can set up more consistent trap rooms like that!

He’d be an ideal lock down hero instead of gearing him towards shield spam

That would be highly annoying to an already mildly annoying hero.

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I don’t think it would help him too much. It’ll just frustrate people more.

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Fine, give him two traps and get rid of both mines. sound fair?

i do like that idea so he can actually be useful at anti dive but its clear a lot of people are not huge fans :stuck_out_tongue:

I think trap needs to be replaced with another ability already.

Honestly, I think he is already good against dive, with his high dmg and mobility.
But it would be interesting. Thing is, trap is usually off cooldown when theres a enemy trapped, so they can already deploy another at their escape route.

Also we don’t need more cc in this world where we’re already controlled by events out of our control.

Maybe if they had to be a minimum distance apart, like 25m or something. Junkrat’s fine right now though.

Sorry, but if Junkrat were “fine” people wouldn’t scream at you to swap off of him damn near every game, even at high SR.

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Nah I need those mines to feel like I’m a good player :slight_smile:

You’re probably going to have to half the duration though.

I play a LOT of Junkrat and this would just not be a good buff for him. It also wouldn’t help any against dive.