Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Honestly Blizzard would just be better off removing Rez entirely and coming up with a new ability if they thought that bad rezzes had enough negative impact on the game.

The ability to strait up deny someone your own allies play on you would just feel horrible. There could be times when the person you rezzed didn’t realize the entire team was moments away from being there and knee jerk declined.

Taking away the decision from the person with the ability is never a good option IMO.


Well having an option to OPT out of Rez is not bad, it will save your Mercy’s cooldown. Just getting rezzed and dying on purpose is building enemy ults and wasting your Mercy’s rather long cooldown.

If something like this came up it would have to do several things to not make Mercy just lose alllll agency she has.

  1. You’d have to have someway to deny it BEFORE Mercy comes to you. If she’s started the Rez, you can’t deny it. That way she’s not locking into a rez animation/wasting the cooldown. And for those saying a 15 second cooldown when it’s denied, you’re saying that you now have control over Mercy’s abilities, and taken away her control over your abilities. You’re literally swapping one for the other.

  2. You’d still need to be able to GA to the “soul”. I can’t tell you how often I fly to your dead body to save myself. Thanks :smiley:

  3. Isn’t it kind of a slippery slope? What about Ana’s Nano? as Mercy I DON’T want it, I won’t make use of it the way others will. This could also be said for someone who wants to die to swap. Or someone who’s accidentally walked into a nano. What if someone boops a DVA bomb behind a shield. I’d vote for that to not happen. What about WB knocking someone out of range of some ability that would have killed them. (By the way, thanks for saving me from Hog’s hook the other day WB). If Sombra hacks the wrong target all the time, can you deny hack on one person. If they’re going to take away agency from one ability, they’d have to do the same for alllll of them for consistency sake.

Edit: Do I make bad rez decisions, of course a bad one will slip through. Do I usually make bad decisions, no. But that could be said for anybody, playing any character. It’s not exclusive to Rez.


Suggestion: reject and turn soul blue beforehand


Nope. Only Mei s wall is similar

You still don’t have to use it.
It’s Ana’s choice to distribute. But your choice to use.
This doesn’t occur with rez

This doesn’t cause you to stand there and take it.
Rez affects your own game play like no other ability. It’s wholly unique. It should be addressed as such

It’s not. She can still offer it. Just like Zen orb or dmg boost. The player needs to use it on their own.

I have been on the receiving end of bad rezzes before, and I have cringed watching Mercies dive deep out of position to save a lost cause, killing herself and maybe the rezzed target in the process.

But denying a teammate a bad play is not an ability that any other character has. If I’m on Zarya, it’s bad for me when Rein pops his shield up right when I was about to absorb some energy with my self-shield. As a squishy, it’s bad for me if Orisa repositions her shield just in time for me to catch a Storm Arrow with my face. As a Mercy, it’s bad for me if my teammates duck around a wall so I can’t GA to them. As anyone, it’s bad for me if my DPS shoot into a reflecting Genji and it kills me. As a main tank, it’s bad for me if I say, “Let’s go left,” and lead the charge going left, and then my team doesn’t follow me. It’s bad for me if a Lucio, Pharah, or Junkrat either boops away the headshot I was about to hit, or accidentally flings the hero into range to hit me. It’s bad for me if Lucio uses speed boost on me, or Mercy uses damage boost, when what I really need is a heal. It’s bad for me when our main tank initiates into a fight we can’t win, leaving me with the choice of either letting the tank die on their own (stagger), or rushing into a fight that I don’t think we can take.

All of those things can lead to me ending up in a bad position, getting staggered, or our whole team getting wiped, due to my teammates’ incompetence, but it doesn’t make sense to say that I should be able to disable the parts of their kit that would mess me over.

Rez is already constrained by a bunch of factors, the most obvious one being the teammate has to be dead and not about to respawn in the next 2 seconds. To make yourself literally unrezzable is not just making a shot call; it is entirely disabling an ability that Mercy would otherwise have.

And as often as bad Mercies attempt bad rezzes, there will be bad teammates who write off a fight far too early and refuse rezzes that could have turned the game.

In a team-based game, there is no way to prevent your teammates from making bad decisions that you have to suffer for. And while this sugestion would stop Mercy, specifically, from making this particular bad decision, it could also stop her from making good ones, because it’s literally just tying her hands entirely. I don’t think that’s a good mechanic to introduce.

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How exactly do you see rejecting the res going with the Mercy and your team?

How is that the only ability that’s similar?

If it gets booped 0.5 seconds before it blows, you can’t react quick enough to save yourself. So you’re going to stand there and take it. If lucio boops people away from your bomb that’s out of your control also.

TP requiring player consent is literally why Symmetras utility is in the toilet. Good luck trying to convinve people reporting you for picking symmetra into using that teleporter. IT’s my ability and I will rez you and you will stay alive for as long as I can keep you alive and you will do your job and you will thank me for it. GOT IT? I OWN YOU


I’ll also add, there had best be some way for the ENTIRE team to know you’ve denied a rez. That way Mercy won’t get blamed for not rezing someone who could have swung a team fight.

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This isn’t the same as rejection of your ability to bubble. Mercy rejects your choice of engagement

Sucks but that utility is still not rejecting your choice

That’s fair. Maybe ga need to be changed?

That’s not stopping your choices such as basic disengage

It’s not anymore than not using dmg boost.

Just like when rein doesn’t swing his nano hammer

Nope. But mechanic cohesiveness isn’t the same.

Just like every other support. Seems fair

That’s easy, the soul color changes for your entire team and the player icon gets greyed out.

Can I just turn rez off on D.Va entirely please? I swear like 80% of the time it’s just a massive feed that kills the Mercy, and gives me a 20 second spawn time.

Yeah thats still a Mercy nerf and a loss of control over her own dam ability. Great change woohoo


How is it even going to work? Besides, rez is more often useful when used than when it isn’t. It is not worth to even be an option considering just forgetting to put it on or off on time can cost you more than if you just go with it.

That went two ways. How many times did people waste tp for easy Rez and then you didn’t have any for the enemy big push?

That…sounds terrible. I like to think mercy players are more team oriented with such a hero

I was team oriented several reworks and 30 nerfs ago. Now I’m just bitter and like to turn everything around me toxic

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The only ability that rejects player engagement. I can’t move past a wall locking me in.

Actually, having the option to accept it instead of decline might be best. You can choose to let the timer run out if you want, but you can also wait until x ult is over, enemy team has moved on, etc and Rez after the big danger has passed…

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I believe the reason this was mentioned this was because there is a CD penalty if an attempted rez gets canceled (e.g. she is stunned, booped away, etc).

So it’s not that it would need a cooldown, it’s a clarification to say that this particular interaction should behave differently from other failed rezzes.

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