Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Which explicitly ignores my examples and the experiences of other players who are simply asking for the ability for when they don’t think it’ll be a utility they want to use.

I’m not upset at all beyond my irritation of being falsely accused . But I think that’s fair for anyone. I won’t think of this later . Nor do I expect for you to.
But I feel like you are :
Disingenuously reading my intent
Providing bad faith criticism
Purposefully painting an intent of mine to others
And have some weird bias in what I’m saying beyond the scope of the thread.

It’s not world peace. But to say I’m not bothered by it, especially by someone I used to quite like, would be a lie.
But it’s the internet. I can’t force you to do anything.

That’s a fair approach.

Nope. I’m just reading the words that are typed and seeing the obvious meaning behind them.

Have a good day man.

We’ve all been rezzed when we would’ve preferred switching. But like i said, it’s MERCY’S decision. Shes not a heal-bot whose only decisions are whether to heal or damage boost. It’s her responsibility to read the situation and decide if you’re needed right then and there.

Personally i take being rezzed as a compliment, even if I’ve been sucking.


Honestly I’d prefer not.

This takes even more power away from Mercy and puts it in the hands of her teammates to make the final decision for her.

Yes, bad Res’s are a things, just like bad Nano’s or poor Orb choices. Players should be punished for their mistakes, not given a free out by their teammates.


You could try it regardless.

I.e. your own ideas. Because I have no meaning beyond what I’m saying, fairly explicitly. Go outside and talk to people. Most people say what they mean .

Not in chat? Sure, screaming in the void works wonders

Bad nano isn’t hurting the ally

Still doesn’t actively hinder me

. . I’m confused. Wouldn’t the full respawn be… My punishment?

Rezzing is selfish now. I’ve seen it all.


This is any utility from supports. Mercy is the only one who doesn’t for Rez.
Baptiste can’t force people to use field, ana can’t force rein to put his hammer to the enemy face, Lucio can’t force his allies through choke…

I mean… You’ve never seen a Rez after a team fight? Ever? Cuz… I have and I have been the rezzed target.
I also do this but only to friends to be mean , it’s totally possible

You know that can actually be useful when trying to stall a point? But now you’ve added an extra step where the person being revived has to confirm it and that just cost you the game because they weren’t quick enough or accidentally hit decline instead. Congratulations.


It can. I’m not forcing a reject at all times

No… There’s a 1.75 timer for sure. You could be rezzed in the same amount of time

So you only want a decline button and not an accept button? I guess that’s better than what I thought you meant but I still don’t see this as a good addition to the game.

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Lol. The dishonesty here is just… insane.

I have to mute this now lol

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Could even be easier and just “accept” or “decline”
There are 3 options:
Mercy wants to Rez you: a) accept b) decline
Mercy wants to Rez you: click) accept
Mercy wants to Rez you: click) decline

And I think for those times it’s not optimal for the player (like you want to switch to not be hard countered) , they don’t have to walk off a cliff and extend the respawn artificially.

Literally said bye ages ago :hugs: hope you work past your recent issues

It’s wasting an ult, setting the entire team back.

You’ll feel hindered when you’re not getting any heals cause she used damage orb.

It’s a team punishment. Just like how if you go in and feed. Sets your entire team back.


But it’s not affecting your individual choice.

Not aided isn’t the same as hindered

So…mercy can dictate and force me to feed against my will?
Even when I was trying …not to?
Seems fair

I feel like the only way that would work is if Mercy doesn’t have to fly to the orb and enact a rez.

Like maybe by default if there is a Mercy, regardless if she can or not, you get the option? And if you don’t select an option, the default would be “yes” and it would stay how it is now.

I don’t think it’s fair to give the Mercy the CD and risk for a rejected rez.

(Ofc we are speaking in terms of it being possible to begin with, Idk how programming works and all that jazz)


Yeah. I’d be fine with that