Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Does anybody here realises that Mercy has to go to the players corpse and apply the slow to herself to even start the rez interaction? And then even if no CD penalty is applied it’s like haha, you just risked all of that for nothing. And again, its her ability, she gets to decide how to use it. Rez is not your ability so you get no say in the matter. You’re asking to remove a characters control over her own ability.


while that sounds a decent idea, its actually really horrible.

Imagine Mercy flying to the dead teammate in very risque location only him/her to reject your rez

Agreed but i think that’s why I wouldn’t mind having both. Accept or decline…but I don’t have a “visual clutter” issue. I like options :woman_shrugging:t5:

Why would them rejecting it make it more risky?

ok… you fly on the frontline, enemy likely sees you and shoots you while you attempt to rez
and you die and rez goes on cooldown without rezzing because your ally wants to stay dead for whatever reason

What if Mercy heals you while you want to die so you can swap? :OOOOO

Maybe there should be a reject healing button too?


Unless I could preemptively reject it. Blue soul means she can ga but not Rez :woman_shrugging:t5:

Why is she risking anything?

To offer it. Just like a rein shield is useless if teammates don’t use it, so should Rez

Yeah. She can still offer.

At no point does healing out prioritize enemy dmg :woman_shrugging:t5:

Does anyone else even see the orbs? Also, for arguments sake I’d like it so blindingly obvious to the team, I’d even go so far as a voiceline/automatic chat for it. Something along the lines of Ashe saying “I don’t need no stinking rez”

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Rein shield still protect Rein himself you know?

It’s not an apple, it’s her ability. You are taking away control of her ability. How do you not get this


Exactly, what if you can reject immortality in immortality field ?
people could start trolling

Because to be a good Mercy you sometimes have to try to pull of a riskier rez? You can’t tell me you only do 100% safe rezes? I’ve pulled off rezing a reaper who then ults, and saves the payload at the final moment. Sometimes, you have to take the chance.


Hey I got caught in a grav. I want to switch to something that counters zarya, why is this zen saving me with trans?


yeah fck supports for actually doing their job :wink:

What if you don’t click anything. heck, I just go afk when I die. Do you really think anyone will be expecting and waiting for mercy to come and rez just so they can cancel it?

also how would Mercy player feel about that ?

"ok, I just risked my neck to get to you, and you dont want help, what the _____ ______ _____ !!! "

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Yes. I rarely play Mercy anymore and we can still see them. Very least we 100% can see icons from across the map

I’m well aware. I have over 800 Mercy hours clocked in, but I don’t think there needs to be another penalty as the Mercy is already taking the risk to rez in the first place (it has a cast time) and then would have to take a possible (immediate) risk again to rez somebody else.

In other words: the risk is already in the rez itself

Somebody rejecting the rez wastes more of her time.

It’s unnecessary to add more penalty.

To add, if Mercy rez’s somebody surely the enemy team would be more aware and wouldn’t allow her to get away with a second (immediate) rez.

Imagine rezzing ally when someone shoots at you, and you manage to pull it off at 20 hp, and then nothing happens because player you rezzed wanted to die
like I managed to pull a rez when Soldier 76 was shooting me (I died after), I would have been fcking mad if my sacriface was for nothing because some troll wanted to stay dead

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It’s utility…and other utility requires consent :woman_shrugging:t5: