Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

So mid flight the corpse turns red (or whatever) and Mercy now quite possibly put herself away from the team and at risk (even if she cancels her flight immediately) for absolutely no reason.

I get there’s times it’s frustrating when you are rezzed and did not want to be, but I don’t see a way of implementing this that doesn’t screw over Mercy players honestly.


if you reject the res to troll thats on you, but a mercy shouldnt be able to force players to feed by ressing them into the entire enemy team

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I mean let’s be real, this is the gamer community we’re talking about, there WILL be people trolling/throwing and reject rezzes just to tilt their team, even if the Mercy isn’t feeding.

… If she was going to Rez, the risk was still there. Why is she risking herself to the point of not being able to get out? She was planning to be there for another nearly 2 seconds, slowed and in place.


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Trolls are trolls whether it’s to mercy or not. Including mercy players. :woman_shrugging:t5:

If she did that, in most cases it was a bad rez choice to make anyway

There are situations where it will but it will also force Mercy players to get some more game sense. The amount of times I or people on my team have been screwed by bad mercy rez is baffling.

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Yeah but you have to be fair and look at the negatives of implementing your idea long with the positives, and weighing the two. We can’t just say “well there will always be trolls” as if that’s not a legit concern.

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The risk was there, but the Mercy made the decision that the benefit was worth it. By adding a feature like this you are making Mercy put her at risk with zero chance for benefit. You are denying the Mercy the ability to make her own decisions.

Right now the responsibility of Rez is currently where it should be – with Mercy. If she does a bad rez that’s on her. Just like if Mei throws a bad wall up and blocks in her allies to die. Should we add a pop-up if you want to accept Mei’s wall too? Maybe a team vote?

Being able to deny your own allies abilities just because you don’t want them to use them is a slippery slope.


The way I conduct myself on this forum has not changed too much actually.

People have been insulting me the way you are for quite a bit.

I’m sorry but this just isn’t true.

None of these quotes even imply that we are specifically talking about instances where we are feeding with resurrection.

In fact, they imply the exact opposite. He says he rarely ever wants to be resurrected. Full stop.

You’re just completely wrong.

I don’t think his idea is bad. I actually have said I think you should be able to refuse resurrections. Did you even read what I typed?

We disagree on what is relevant. That’s fine.

It’s not the same as literally and objectively falling for a fallacy though.

Trust me I know people think I am pretentious. I am not intentionally or unintentionally misconstruing anything, thanks. I’m merely pointing out, accurately, what was typed and what fallacy it falls for.

I would want to know, and I appreciate your opinion on the matter, but the facts remain.

What was typed and implied is a fallacy. Fact.

Please continue insulting me all you want though.

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NO. If i rez you, it’s for a reason. I don’t want the team down another player at that moment and i think you’ve been useful. It’s part of my kit, and my prerogative to make that decision.


I think most people aren’t going to constantly reject a Rez. I think it’ll be only a thing for trolls who should be reported appropriately, or rare for people like me to properly use.

And I’m asking for consent on my end of the utility. If blizzard implemented it, it’s part of mine as well.

See this response shortly after yours: Can I reject a Rez? Thanks - #128 by Remedy-12480

In short, right now the responsibility of Rez is where it should be – with Mercy. Being able to deny your own allies abilities because you disagree with their decision is a slippery slope.


this is turning into a hot topic isnt it.

True, but I still think it’s a good idea to think of the implications, and work our way around it.

For example, having a window of opportunity for the pop-up instead so the Mercy doesn’t go in for a rez to begin with.

The way I imagine it, is the color of the orb would coincide with the idea of wanting to be rezzed.

For example:
You die, your orb is Blue (or whatever UI you have it set to, since people are colorblind)
You have a window of opportunity to say “yes” or “no” to being rezzed
The orb either stays blue when you say no
or changes to yellow for yes (and maybe a comm that goes out saying “rezz me pls i l ove u mercy” or something idk)
Then maybe if you miss the window, it turns to yellow anyway because you’re just too slow? :smirk:
and then I have a macro that tells you to get the f up because it’s fun

I am saying that’s Me and I did specifically not give hard definite words because no ability is a hard definitely bad thing.
I didn’t say this applied to everyone. I didn’t say it was sooooo frequent I needed it all the time. I didn’t say mercy shouldn’t Rez ever or that all her players are bad. That’s entirely on you.

It is not. Or you have a very screwed idea of what a fact is.

The mercy has their reasons. The choice is hers to make. I understand where your coming from, but sometimes your needed to shore up the team in a critical moment, or you’re rezzed to stall a little. It’s her decision and part of her own Gane awareness requirements

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It’s quite telling that you can’t address my contentions honestly either.

Whatever. I’m used to this. I point out obvious fallacies and am insulted in return even though I wasn’t insulting anyone.

People are just so easily upset nowadays. It’s sad.

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Not really. The only other hero this applies to is Mei with wall.

Why would it need a CD? Mercy has already wasted her time (which has a cast time) and the time it took for the player to reject it. It doesn’t need any more CD penalty.

*I could’ve worded that a bit better but I’m not completely awake. Hopefully you get what I’m saying.

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