Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Again, incorrect.

This is two options presented as the only ones.

It is either A or B.

That is, literally, what you are saying.

You can say you meant something else, and that’s fine, but what is written is a fallacy.

I can see you’re not going to honestly address this. So long.

It’s not a fallacy if I’m not presenting it as the only two options. Youre own bias doesn’t suddenly change my words.

You retconning what you mean doesn’t change what you typed.

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… edits are tracked. Establish what I said where I said “this always happens, Rez is always meant to be rejected”
Because it’ll show if I edited. :woman_shrugging:t5:

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I disagree with this, I would much rather the orb stay so the Mercy can GA to it, but give it a different color so Mercy knows she can’t rezz it (like blue, or whatever color you set your friendlies to.)

I also don’t think it should go on a CD, I’d much rather the user be able to decide immediately if they’d accept a rezz instead (and maybe if they say “yes” to being rezzed, a communication can go out saying “rez me please” or something, instead of people spamming “I Need Healing” like they usually do…)

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It could be possible to leave the GA target but a visible sign that the teammate does not want to be rezzed? The body remains and she can still get to it but it cannot be rezzed.

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gotta love mercy rezzing me againts 6 players

i like love how they never give up but come on you really think i can win 1v6? im flattered but please dont rez me

It really seems like you just don’t understand at this point. Sort of weird actually.

I’m going to disengage from talking to you. It’s not going anywhere

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Check my latest reply to MercyZiegler, I did think of something similar just now :see_no_evil:

edit: mixed up your names, im soooorry lol

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I want to stay with my team… Especially when I’m a tank. I can only swing my hammer so hard…

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I saw it lulz, I pressed “reply” as soon as you did it seems :crazy_face:

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definitely. Lots of times I’ll be playing pharah, die, someone asks me to swap, I say sure, I get ressed, and then people get mad that I didnt swap.

You used to be quite good but lately you’ve been nasty to people in general, myself included. OP has been specifically talking about situations in which Mercy is feeding by rezzing someone that is either being hard countered or a team wipe is nearly done just to make it 7 deaths instead of 6. You’re bringing out all of these other scenarios that OP isn’t addressing because they aren’t the problem they are trying to give an option to fix.

That isn’t OP falling for a fallacy, that is completely on you trying to disregard it and make his ideas look bad. It is no different than the last time you and I interacted about exclusives and I refused to argue with you over it because we’ve had the same discussion 4 times and even though the whole conversation was talking about Blizzard specific practices, you chose to use the entire video game industry and VG Platforms as an example against me when it isn’t relevant.

If I was sounding pretentious and like I was intentionally misconstruing someone’s argument, I would probably want to know. Wouldn’t you?


Bye then . Its the internet . Your bias on tracked threads won’t effect either of our days

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This would be extremely clunky for a fast paced game like Overwatch.

How long does the person have to accept or deny the rez?

When does the new cool down on Mercy rez start? When the person has accepted/denied? Does the cool down take into account how long the person took to make the decision?

Does Mercy need some kind of big notification to even know the person denied her rez as she’s now casting it, probably flying away to heal someone else, and not even realizing the person denied it?

A lot of things you aren’t thinking about here.


Actually, plenty other suggestiins have been made such as
Would turning a different color so mercy simply can’t Rez, but still use the would for movement.

because she can force players to feed and needs to understand that you shouldnt do that

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Me on sombra or tracer. I know the enemy McCree killed me twice. I was going to switch! I promise :sob::sob:

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So if they implement this

Can blizzard pls let me have a Macro
Like in FFXIV
That says
Something like
uwu RISE UP uwu


That’s the real question here


It’s also abusable. I hate our Mercy, so I’ll reject it everytime