Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Lmfao yeah you should

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Most times it isn’t an issue for me, but I loathe how often I get rezzed into a hard loss team fight or an ult because Mercy had the game sense of a toad and only cared that she saw a soul and had Rez ready.

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Would you care to explain that to me? I don’t seem to find the fallacy by myself.
I concede that maybe im just stupid, But id love a walk through

Almost for me. I also don’t play with mercy often.

I’m simply expressing my experiences. You’re the one acting like I’m saying Rez is a bad thing

If the mechanic itself is niche, then inherently it’s not applicable at all times. So why would I throw with mercy, if I wouldn’t with Ana or Moira?

Bye then. :hugs:

It’s painful especially when I’m already selected to a new hero on my screen :confounded::confounded:

Amazingly type speeds is a thing for some, since she only needs to 1.75 seconds to rez… And console takes significantly longer :hugs::hugs:

Amazingly, I don’t think everyone will reject it all the time :woman_shrugging:t5:

It’s just a fancy way of saying “OP only sees it in black or white (yes or no) when there are grays (other choices) so he is objectively wrong.” They are really good at trying to sound smart when it is really just pretentious.

It is just their way of completely disregarding someone else’s opinion and autonomy because “Mercy makes no mistakes or bad Rez decisions ever.”

God yes. Like …I get a team fight might be won, but if I know I’m feeding and trying to remedy that and she ruins it, I’d be less likely to help her for a min out of spite. I’m petty and I know it.


My point is that someone’s always gonna get ,dictated" with a Rez mechanic,it’s either the player that’s getting rezzed or Mercy.Blizzard made the decision to favor Mercy in this situation,there’s no middle ground.

Rez is a really flawed mechanic balance wise and fun wise,it’s been always like this,always will be.

A black and white fallacy is when you present two options as the only options when they are not the only options.

If I say “well you either went to A or you went to B” that’s a black and white fallacy because you could have gone to C or D. (hypothetical)

This is an egregious black and white fallacy. He claims that it is either a team wipe and he wants to join his team, or he is switching heroes.

What if it isn’t a team wipe, you have your ultimate, and you just got picked off first and it is easy to resurrect you?

The fact that my question is a possibility literally proves he is falling for a black and white fallacy.

I hope that answers your question.

So you’re okay with not honestly addressing you committing a fallacy?

I’m sad for you. Honestly. Have a good day.

I’m not trying to sound smart at all, Pez, but thanks for the insult.

It’s just a fact. He is committing a black and white fallacy. You can insult me all you want but that only reflects who you are, not me.

It’s not a good look.

Laughably incorrect. I’m a bit surprised and saddened that you would say something so obviously incorrect. You’re literally acting like a child.

Sad day on the forums.


Really? We are complaining about being rezed now?
The only time when I don’t want to be rezed is if I want to switch a hero but even when that happens, it is not such a big deal.

Besides if you don’t want it you can just stay still and someone will kill you for sure.

The middle ground would be…allowing thus change.

I disagree. Mass Rez suited the old game fine.
Just not new

I think this change could help idk :woman_shrugging:t5:

I’m giving a situation where I would reject it. I’m not saying all the time. But you’re acting like mine isn’t even possible. Or like it’s so hard to implement for the few times it might since you aren’t saying it is explicitly impossible.

I didn’t say remove Rez. I’m saying I experience frequently times I don’t want it. Youre own bias blinds you to this.

Oh I get it now, Thanks for taking the time to type it out for the peeps!

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Based on how we alone have interacted on the forums, let alone how I’ve seen you talk to other people, it isn’t exactly a stones throw away from the image you give yourself dude.

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I like this idea. So many times I’ve been on either side. I was the Mercy that was told the person didn’t want to be rezzed or I didn’t want to be rezzed because I wanted to switch or prevent a stagger.
Let the person that’s about to be rezzed deny it, Rez goes on a 15 second CD like that since you can’t really blame the Mercy for it. Sure, you can always tell the Mercy you don’t want to be rezzed but VC is not always a guarantee.

EDIT: Actually, give us a prompt that’ll appear when we die. We can decide whether to be rezzed or not immediately. If not, the little soul that’s left behind does not appear, not even tempting the Mercy to attempt it.


Agreed. I don’t think she should have a full punishment for my rejection. But it would be nice to not unwillingly feed lol

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No I’m not. I’m just pointing out, accurately, that your reasoning is fallacious.


I’m not saying you are wrong and you must want to be resurrected every time.

I’m just pointing out that only saying those two options is literally, and by definition, a black and white fallacy.

This is just a fact.

No problem! Thanks.

Meanwhile you’re literally only behind Megadodo on liking my posts.

I don’t “give myself” any image intentionally. If you want to see something that isn’t true that’s fine, but you need to be honest with yourself and admit that what I am calling out as a fallacy is in fact a fallacy.

You trying to disregard that and insult me is, not only an ad-hominem, but it is immature and not warranted. I was not insulting anyone, so why would you start now?

Calling someone out on a fallacy isn’t “trying to act smart”. If I am falling for a fallacy I want to know!

Don’t you?

That could also be fine. Maybe both since she has Rez up to 10 seconds

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I literally just added a little edit at the end of it, you are too damn fast my friend.

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You acting like it’s the only option is bias. I’m giving experiences. I didn’t say “this occurs for every one at all times including myself”
That’s you

Mercy needs the soul to ga to safety. Taking that away takes her escape away as well.