Can I reject a Rez? Thanks

Dictator of game vs individual player choice isn’t the same. You can similarly be “hard carried”

Again, not intended. But I am the one hurt most by a failed Rez…not mercy.
That is, my death ratio on that hero, my stats are negatively harmed by her rezzing me.

They said overall design. I’m requesting this individual one be changed.

That’s fine. Although, I’m for a small cooldown to encourage teamwork. But that’s my own team based bias

That’s not always on me…I am almost always in chat, and basically rarely ever want to be rezzed.

I’d be fine with it. Although it seems a bit easier on mercy this way

That is a good idea. I can deal with that c: Sorry I misunderstood you haha

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Rarely ever want to be rezzed? I guess you don’t like winning lol


Her stats are also getting harmed if you reject the Rez,and isn’t this dictating someone else’s gameplay?


I flex. And have no issue switching. If I die, it’s either a team wipe and I want to join my team, or I am switching heroes.
I have 4 heroes in the whole roster I can’t play
Junk bastion Hammond Doom

I have no pride to act like my choice is always the best. I switch. So yeah. Mercy rezzing me, is almost always an issue I have

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I didnt say track her rezz rejections for Sr did I?
She can continue her job and support if others are there. Or die with the rest of her team

But if she rezzes you it is probably because the team fight is winnable with one extra person, generally regardless of hero.

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Below Diamond performance based SR is a thing,not having as many rezzes harms it.

The classic black and white fallacy. It makes fools of us all

I think you are incorrect, but I think you should be able to refuse resurrect if you want and if it doesn’t go on cooldown.

I do think that you are probably wanting to play sub-optimally in many cases, but hey you do you.

I like how you have zero trust in the Mercy’s ability to see what is needed. When I resurrect someone I am confident they can help turn the fight around.

I can see you refusing a resurrect that would have won a teamfight just to swap characters and then lose the match.

You can’t say it won’t happen.


You should say something instead?

Did you know they introduced voice chat last update. Its so good dude. It helps you communicate with your team and tell your mercy you dont want to ve rezzed. Its the best thing they added to this game trust me

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YES! The number of times a Mercy has fed me to the enemy team is insane. Every time it happens I inwardly scream “Whhhhyyyyyyy???!” the ability to reject rez would be most welcome.

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I tried this new feature it is buggy there is always some 14 year old in there using it as a dating app, and then when no one wants to go with him he gets toxic. And then it’s just awkward for everyone.

Did you know that doesnt happen every game? Also did you know THEY ADDED MUTE OMG. This feature offers everyway to be team active and fight off toxicity i didnt know that totally and definitely you didnt. Now you know

But I have to mute each one of them individually and there are more of them on here than on Tinder

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Yeah… For once I’m not alone in my thoughts. Got quite a few people who seem to experience the same things I do. Not unheard of for me, but still… Nice to not be alone

Then she should Rez when optimal or idk… Not have Rez factor so highly for it. Which is a topic for another thread.

I didn’t say I would always reject it did I?
But I want the choice. She can do her. But I don’t have to play with her own independently made idea of fun.

To be fair, this isn’t an issue with Ana Moira or bapt.

Maybe the issue is Rez itself if you have such an opinion of others.

Can’t force her to listen, babe

Can’t force her in to voice chat yo

Feels bad especially when I’m a tank tbh.
Just gave the enemy all this ult charge

Still happens.

Wow so you are telling all 10 million players and boys or girls with hard wood 24/7 who are looking for fun. and you are the only person trying to play game. Wow idk why i find that hard to believe


You implied you almost always would.

You also aren’t going to address the blatant black and white fallacy you’re falling for?
That’s a bit concerning.

You’re comparing resurrection to characters who do not have it in an attempt to “be fair”?

It’s not an issue with people who cannot resurrect…

Cool story?

If you’re going to not address the obvious logical fallacy you’re falling for, then an honest conversation is literally impossible. I look forward to you addressing it if you do. Have a good one.


1 in 100 games? 1 in 30 games? Maybe doesnt happen all the time

Did you know they added the ability to text so you can send a message saying “dont rez me” its an incredible thing i know

Should I stop playing after school hours from 3-6pm? :rofl: