Can i get a refund for the sombra skin I paid for

This skin is my favorite in the game but it makes me sick everytime I look at the challenge for skin and see yup i have all the items I don’t giving to the people for free but i just feel laughed at and slapped in the face


Sorry. All sales final, excluding Alien Zarya during its limited refund window.

Consider that for any and every skin that was initially money-gated, only to be “given away” for free at a later date: by paying for it, you got to flaunt it first and make everyone around you swoon with jealousy and envy. Honestly, I think it’s a good business strategy. People buy skins to show off, basically paying Blizzard to advertise for them, and—for limited short duration time periods—Blizzard rewards all their faithfully playing players with a chance to freely obtain said skins at a later date, announced only in short order.

People that like paying for skins and showing off will continue doing so, and by the time the skin becomes “free for all” (for a limited time), it’s already old and outdated, with something ever newer and shinier for the masses to drool over—and for you to own and lord your superior economic status over the unwashed poor masses to drool over, should you wish to stand out and buy it for yourself. :wink:


What? Did u even read what i said I said I didn’t mind that the skin was free i just feel like i should get something for doing the challenges since I already have the items im not upset the skin is free like maybe i should get some small currency maybe like 200 or something since I already have maybe my title was more rude then it needed to be but I don’t understand where u got the impression I’m lording over people because i bought a $20 skin. Flaunt my superior economic wealth idk how u got that out of I feel laughed at and slapped in the face like haha u stupid pay pig look at your dumb butt buying free skins


people will defend blizzard with they life


It cost twenty dollars didn’t it?

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Isn’t that what lootboxes used to do? If you got a repeated item, they would give you credits based on the rarity of the repeat.

If they’re gonna keep bringing back old items that some people already have, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start doing that again


Your fault for supporting their scam. This game is because of players like you.


They really should have SOMETHING for people who already have a reward but meet the requirements of new challenges or are still playing when it gets freebied out.


lmao cry lol. Hope blizz gives more skins away that you “paid” for

I would be happy if Blizzard gave away Bullet for my Valentine Reaper. I already have buyer’s remorse (because I am not insane enough to keep playing Reaper) for it regardless and everyone deserves to have a cute emo boy…

Your name is kinda counter to your personality


+1. I also paid for that skin now it is free, so what do i get ? Nothing.

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Lol no

Speaking as someone who didn’t pick up Aztec when it was in the shop: sure, that sounds fair.

If I was in charge I’d go further and give you a voucher for another shop legendary skin, but I’m not and never will be. RIP.

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This happens a ton in the real world, get used to it.

You still get a battle pass tier lol.

Edit: if that wasn’t there we’d be more ripped off

It’s not defending blizz to say people shouldn’t have spent money on skins…

Especially if the reason is exclusivity, that was never promised and is nonexistent anyway because thousands do it

Blizz is doing as much laughing as everybody else is

Idc that it’s free I would like atleast 50 premium currency or maybe a title like Aztec sombra for doing the challenges since I already have the items

Nope. I tried to get refund for a skin in past and they refused, lol. Was not even that long from buying it.

I’m not trying to say it should be exclusive to people that bought but could I get 50 premium currency or maybe a little title that no one cares about