Can i get a refund for the sombra skin I paid for

Yes the skin costs $19. Blizzard have made tons of legendary OW2 skins free at a later time. They don’t refund players who previously have bought the skins.

I think it’s fine for cosmetics to at a later date become free for some time, but then I also want players to get refunded with the amount of coins they spent on it just like Fortnite do.

$19 for a skin a $26 for a bundle is a lot of money. It’s understandable that the few players that buy the store cosmetics for these prices don’t want to do it anymore when you can just wait some months or seasons for them to possibly be available for free and you not getting any sort of refund or compensation.

You have to file this under L for “lesson learned”

They have your money a gave you something that later decided to devalue it to lure players in to grind a reward.

Why pay money for a cosmetic for a hero that is usually invincible for 70% of the match?

These skins 2 years ago used to be free. They’d stay free if suckers weren’t willing to pay.

This company is greedy. They aren’t in the refund business or doing you a favor. You give them money, it’s gone.

They screwed the veteran ow players out of the original game we bought. If they haven’t refunded that, then you got a snow ball’s chance in you know where of getting your money back.

Not saying it to be hurtful, that’s the way of greedy f2p game shops. Never give money to them again and you won’t feel taken advantage of.

This isn’t the first time they have done this with a skin. It won’t be the last time

i will forever think that blizzard is using recolours the WRONG way, every single time, they’ve missed the opportunity to add recolours to EVENTS, i remember that thing they did with weekly recolours for 3 weeks some time ago, that was perfect. perfect!

you wanna give stuff on twitch/youtube/xbox? recolour with twitch/youtube/xbox palette
you wanna give stuff on event for halloween? recolour for halloween!
you already do recolours for xmas! c’mon!
and keep the originals for the battle pass and the shop, is not that hard, c’mon.

then! when a certain original comes back to the shop, you let people givo you money for the originals and the recolours they couldn’t farm when they were available…

Can i get a refund for the sombra skin I paid for

Nope, you can’t.

If you happen to have that kind of worries after having bought something, it means you already had second thoughts about it at the time you first purchased it.

If this becomes a habit of yours to have that kind of reaction, it’s wiser to just stop buying temporary extra pixels in F2P games (we can’t know how many more years a game like Overwatch will exist).

You’ll be in shambles if you keep buying cosmetics and learn that F2P Overwatch may not even exist by 2030 or so.

I agree, they should give you or those players the coins back, thats the right thing to do, but sadly, I dont think the higher suits are going to allow that.

Thats why to this day, I’ve only bought 2 OW2 shop skins items, the Firefighter Bastion bundle and Robot Junkrat/Hog bundle, and only cuz I really, really, really like those skins, there are other OW2 shop skins I liked, but not like those 3, I’m not paying $19 - 26 each time theres a skin I like.

Probably the Sombra Aztec skins didnt do well in sales, thats why its free now, like, I will eat my pants if they ever give Lifeguard Mercy of Witch Kiriko for free.

who the heck drools over these skins now days? back in ow1 it was true art ? now it’s just lazy copy / paste / recolored rubbish.

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No that only worked for the owl guardian mercy skin cause only support players matter.

I love that skin it’s my favorite skin in the game idm paying for it and I think I probably worded my title wrong but if I could get 50 primer coins for each of the 3 challenges I don’t think that’s asking to much and atleast I get something for doing the challenges instead of the same thing every else gets that didn’t pay let me be very clear idm the skin is free i just think I should get a little something in place of the items i already have.

Reaper just needs a fully naked outfit. For inspiration there are plenty of R34 artists with vivid images of how he should look

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