Can gengi get a buff or a companion

He is pretty much dead since the deflect nerf and all the stun heros.

How come bo one has mentioned looking at him?

He is the reason i play rn.

Because he’s balanced.

He’s still one of the best performing DPS’ers in the game.



Pretty much dead.


That’s why I see him in 95% of all my QP and comp matches.

He does very well in those, btw.


Oh no guy, the third most picked Dps in GM/T500 is dead !
Really, really sad.


i wish he was dead both in pickrates and in game, despite people saying hes predictable to shoot when jumping my team cant seem to ever kill quicker then he can kill me



He is literally one of the best DPS in the game right now.

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Because he’s fun to play and everybody thinks you are like the coolest guy in the match of course.

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He doesn’t provide anything for the team except an ultimate, and thats all he is able to do now. Charge his ult and maybe get a few kills.

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Players think the player is a weaboo who needs healing. That’s the stigma he has.


Why does Genji need a buff? He’s already performing extremely well.

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I miss the days when the focus was on improving and showing all the naysayers up. Now it’s about asking for buffs/nerfs the moment you’re challenged to play better.

Maybe less of a buff, and more of a fix. For some reason his dash hitbox is the size of a truck.

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“I need healing” meme is kinda old now. Definitely a weaboo though.

Imagine wanting to balance a hero because you or your team sucks and cannot learn

its the size of his character model and his knife size which is big but not illogical

rocket punch deals 6 times more damage than dash and both are equal in size

Yeah I had to laugh - if he’s even half played well he’s very effective. Spam double jump and shuriken spread and profit up through Plat.

Nah i’m not talking about his wakizashi, I’m saying his hitbox in general is huge when dashing and is easier to stun.

well yeah… its a channeled ability, scales with time, and can only go horizontally…

That’s majority of the DPS.