Can gengi get a buff or a companion

which is the same as dash

he doesnt charge up but 50 damage wont kill you either, i would rather be dashed any day than to face doomfist rocket punch

oh yeah, my bad. I thought you meant something else.

does that make a forum goer yet, ive been trying to get that badge for 3 years now but am always too objective to let my emotions and thoughts get in the way of facts.

I dont like gengi at all, from his story to his personality to the way he works in game, i personally feel the lore would actually be better if he didnā€™t survive the life saving operation mercy give him.

but I am objective, I know he balanced atm but it still doesnt I like seeing him or fighting him and will take any loss of pickrates for him as win win

Not really, most dps have different playstyles that are as similar as warrior and shaman rots in wow

Funny because you play brig, someone literally built to counter Genji.


If youā€™re at 50 health, it kills you. I mean, if he does it perfectly, dash and right click also kill you from full health, if youā€™re any 200 hp hero. :roll_eyes: otherwise he just has to right click twice and you die.

Comparing Rocket Punch to Swift Strike is extremely invalid, for various reasons.

Pickrate says otherwise

Because heā€™s balanced and a top performer

Then keep playing him.


He already has a companion, the bad players who pick him without having much of a clue in hero matchups so they feed. That and Mercy is a great combo hero with him.

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Heā€™s just popular. Far from best unless the genji farms blade fast, is good with it, and has Ana.

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Doesnā€™t make me hate him any less, I want to destroy his very being I hate him more than many real life people

Isnā€™t he like the #1 picked DPS right now?

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Well, know that Genji loves you for healing them c:

The only people who hate Genji are people with poor positioning. Heā€™s pretty easy to deal with right now.

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I think the only buff he needs is a faster ult animation. Heā€™s way to easy to kill going into ult and right now its pretty much his only time to shine.

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If you can glean anything from that stat, itā€™s that itā€™s extremely likely that any hero who is the #1 picked in their respective category doesnā€™t have much ground to argue for any buffs, at the very least.

Exactly. Iā€™m saying he needs nothing.

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Oh no, his deflect is no-longer the size of a house