Can everyone stop ridiculing devs for posting things that they don't agree with?

Yeah, and it’s the same people complaining about the lack of interaction that are attacking the devs for posting. Like come on now you can’t complain about your cake and complain about it too.

I think I’d give them more credit than that.

But I agree, it did feel a little like that.

OW Dev - “Here’s what’s in my pocket”

(Not SEEN as a great gift ; maybe not even intended as a gift. Maybe just something that the devs had in their pocket and we were like “… yeah, about that”)

There was good intention and I’m sure there’s a VERY SPECIFIC concern that’s been made by the devs as to why they don’t want to play with her armor or think that her Boosters will do the trick. Booster buff was needed ; I agree. It might be stronger than any of us really expect - you know those tricky GMs coming up with the best of the cheese. That said, I didn’t see the “power creep” post.

Certain members of the Community - “I hate this”

Me “You’re talking to us??” :smiley: :sob: “I have so much to ask” [/feelfreetoignoreme-imostlyenjoytheworkshop]

Well, we’re OUT OF CAKE! We only had so much and we weren’t expecting such a rush. :stuck_out_tongue:

While I agree that there’s a line to not cross, regarding civility, I disagree when it comes to your example of Mercy. That was on them, using forced megathreads that they were caught out on not apparently reading from pretty much early on (which led to hidden forum profiles so nobody could check such stats anymore). Things could’ve taken a much more positive direction had they actually read some of the discussion and directly interacted with some of it. It started to become negative due to building frustration at feeling and apparently being ignored.

This, is to true!


You’re a platinum player. You wouldn’t understand. The meta hardly revolves around you so you don’t get it when devs make dumb decisions and say dumb things because you can play anything in plat and get away with it. Theres a reason why all high ranked players are upset. No surprise the lower ranks don’t know why

While there is a lot that is actual constructive conversation, i agree that there’s way too many replies with just stupid things. Then again, it is a bit tough to weed that out.


Everyone Else : Did those idiots just say Soldier is balanced?!

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I’ve been saying for a few years now that I would prefer if the devs never said a word. Anytime one of the Blizzard officials makes any form of statement I see very little good coming from it. Mostly it does more harm than good, and I see absolutely no value in any of the information they provide anyways because I can not trust anything they say.

people only want them to communicate as long as they say the thing that they agree with…anything else is “worthy” of ridicule and/or a 6st grade level response…(ive taught them before…i would know)

this isnt new btw…pretty much been the case since forever…glad to see we’ve matured

yeah i know but this has literally nothing to do with what i was saying tho

its about being respectful

you dont have to agree with what he said but you dont have to ridicule them

besides why you in my profile when we’re talking about respect lol

Its because the devs dared to not agree with what streamers say

The game didn’t exactly take off the way it should have and they are partially to blame for that. Them and Jeff. Their decisions are off. They don’t really make good decisions and their matchmaking experience blows.

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Agreed. Based on most of the comments in the forum, people complain about whatever heroes counter their mains.

They can’t seem to balance their sh*t right and they never revert changes and admit their mistake. Hanzo was never nerfed and will never be nerfed because he’s a Jeff’s favorite.

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besides, despite being plat/having touched diamond I know that genji and soldier aren’t great RN

doesn’t take a gigabrained t500 to figure that out

Some things said there were pure non sense tho.

I quit because of the balance is Plat. Lots of tanks and supports have. For the exact reasons this dev thinks doesnt exist.

Its not like these are just dudes unrelated to Blizzards. It ought to be someone’s job to do PR. PR people’s job is literally to deal with the heat.

They could, idk, actually attempt to appease us once? They almost always do the opposite of what the community wants.

So in other words, you’re saying everyone else can’t read. Nowhere did he explicitly state that Soldier is balanced.

It’s literally impossible to do the opposite of what the community wants because the community is not a single entity.

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you’re falling into the trap of thinking that because someone can’t play the game at the highest level they must not have a high-level understanding of the game. literally every professional sports league proves that not to be true. look at how many professional coaches either didn’t play the game they coach or played but fell well short of making it to the big time. it happens all the time. don’t think because you made top 500 that you necessarily know better than a plat dude who watches OWL & Top 500 streamers constantly.

in other words, have a little humility and show some respect. you don’t know what you don’t know.