Can everyone stop ridiculing devs for posting things that they don't agree with?

I don’t get it with this community

first we want more dev interaction

they give it to us and the first thing most people do is just make fun of them and complain that its not what they want to hear

having devs comment on threads is so much better than radio silence, especially in the recent posts we’ve gotten more information about how the devs approach balancing as well as future potential balance changes

like I’m not saying they can’t make mistakes, boy can they, but still give them a break

your dev comments are more than welcome


yeah, it’s no surprise Blizzard rarely communicates if this is the level of maturity the community shows.

it’s seriously on the level of a brat whining that the gift they got for Christmas wasn’t the right one


So we have to agree to everything they say?


Half of the posts I’ve seen reacting to the dev comments have been ‘you’re wrong and your numbers are wrong and your example is bad, why did you bother posting, you don’t play your game, etc., etc.’

OP isn’t advocating for taking the line hook and all they’re saying the community reaction of ‘god why are you so stupid devs?!’ whenever they happen to speak up is probably most of the reason why we never see them.


No, you don’t have to agree. You just have to be civil about it.

Basically the opposite of this guy.

It’s actually possible to disagree and still be polite.


You ever see that scene in Iron man 2 where tony brings pepper strawberries as a gift, to which she promptly responds “there’s literally only one thing I’m allergic to”

Blizzard was basically tony in that scenario.


This has nothing to do with being sensitive but having mutual respect for your fellow human beings.


Don’t stoop to his level let’s be the change we wish to see :stuck_out_tongue:


But taking cheap pot-shots at strangers is why the internet was invented :frowning:

You are right tho, I basically disregarded my own advice about 10 minutes after posting it…

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All good man kill em with kindness.


And then they all wonder why the devs don’t even bother trying to communicate that much anymore.


They literally denied powercreep while also trying to justify that soldier and genji are currently good in GM+ because winrates.

Not to mention how balance can’t happen at the higher level if it hurts the lower level first, meaning bastion will NEVER and I do mean NEVER get buffed


Let’s just all try to be better to eachother, I’ll be the first to admit I used to get pretty heated in the forums but it doesn’t do anyone any good. Let’s do our best to be adults and allow for difference in opinions without trying to stand on each others throats :slight_smile:
Not feeling any hate towards you it’s all good man

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Devs aren’t just catching flack from the forums this time. Twitter, reddit, youtube, and pros have all voiced concerned about how out of touch the devs seem with this last post.

Can this forum be very aggressive to devs when they post?.. most definitely. But this time it is a bit different it seems like multiple areas of the OW community are in agreement.


The backlash is completely justified at this point. They’re using the exact same argument that was completely disproved the last time they tried selling it to us. Now the situation is factually worse despite all the warning signs and they still choose to turn a blind eye to it.

Can’t blame anyone but themselves at this point for a mass exodus. That office really needs a shake up if this game is to survive to the end of this year.

When everyone is agreeing that you’re wrong on something, you might actually be wrong on something.


Yet there is no need to make such useless posts like Jaeger, or riddle them with unrelated questions.

That stuff killed thire interaction in the first place, just look back at the “Mercy drama”.

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How so? What was objectively disproved?

These forums aren’t called sheep or a hive mind for nothing.

If you go to a flat earth convention, say the earth is round, but everyone around you disagrees with you, does that mean the earth is now flat?

Now, did the post have it’s fault? Yes, we all know strictly looking at winrate isn’t a good argument. Point is, I’d rather take the word of a group of paid professionals over a group of kids that think they know what they’re talking about.


I’m against anything becoming an echo chamber/hugbox of sorts because the moment we accept, consume and ask no questions; that’s the moment things go downhill.

That said, I also don’t agree with hostility against the devs, respect gets you everywhere.

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The very last patch was them admitting power creep was becoming an issue, hence some reverts to goats patches. They just didn’t go far enough with it honestly.

So what about reddit, twitter, youtube, the pro scene, REGULAR PLAYERS? The majority are all saying the exact same thing on this.


Where did they admit anything?

Reverting a nerf does not count, especially when the point of the nerf before was to stop a meta that is now no longer even possible. Of course they’ll be rolling back a few changes now that things have permanently stabilized under a 2/2/2 lock and they no longer need to worry about 3 tanks being too strong.