Can Brig PLEASE get a stronger shield?

I love brig but won’t lie I’m still struggling to adjust to new style
That said when I’m healing and someone playing brig I keep the brig healed as much as poss. When brig gets support from other healer she awesome.
Other than that, Sometimes she can 1v1 but her shield goes down way too fast. I die very easy as brig.
I would like to adjust to brig but it’s so hard to get inspire a withh so many shields.

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At this point Id take an actual full mobility, so she doesnt have to sacrifice her bash in order to gain 3 extra feet

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Your right, I agree.

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If we give Brig 100 more HP on her shield she’ll be too strong in higher ranks

If she can perform good in the higher ranks then she should be able to perform fantastic in the lower ones. That means it’s not the character that’s the problem it’s the players

Except that isn’t the case. She needs more sustain in exchange for less RP armor.

She is perfect, I die more as Ana or Bap than as Briggite. You just need to manage your shield carefully.


Then play a different hero

Yes, let’s relegate her to the dust bin since there are so many other support choices. This coming from someone who plays ALL supports. Would it really kill the game for you if she got an extra 50 hp on her shield?

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Balancing exclusively around the uppermost ranks causes a massive problem for the lower ranks.


Melee characters are literally at the mercy of characters like Widowmaker and Hanzo.’s also a pretty big threat to Brig. Not so much Rein due to how much health he has.

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She is in a really good spot she one of the most underrated heros when she got the rework for 222 no one actaully gave her a chance i am not a support main and i never played her when sge was op but she actually really good i love haven a competent brigg on my team the armor packs means i can go in more aggressive and build emp faster as sombra not alot faster but it helps and a armour tracer is really strong. She great at pealing and also still great at assisting rineheart you just have to be in and out and use cover and use sheild to block cool downs and to retreat.

If she lacks survivability in the hands of bad players, but has it in spades in the hands of a good player- perhaps the bad players should improve.

Brig has high survivability compared to zen or Ana. She’s literally the only support with a shield. Her shield is good where it’s at 200hp is perfect.

If someone dives you as a brig you would do better than zen or Ana.

No disrespect but I feel like anyone who says brig isn’t viable rn. Just wants to cheat the system by climbing pressing w+LMB.

Games are not suppose to be ez. You have to learn and grow. That’s whats most satisfying.

Here’s some advice play your role and you will survive more. Heal your people wait for the fight to break out then engage with melee. Instead of initiating the engagement (like most brigs do)

If played correctly you can get tons of value out of brig.

And if you want survivability, pick Baptist’s. (Immortality field)

I don’t see a good spot for Brigitte in the current shield meta. Most other supports just fit better. I sometimes play her on 1CP maps due the dense fighting area. But outside of that, your teams usualy is just to wide spread and to random (QP) to be effective with Brigitte. You would need a coordinated team but since I only play QP with randoms, that does not happen. Brigitte once was useful there but not anymore. No clue how it looks in pro games. But good support players like Jjonak or Ryujehong don’t use Brigitte in their streams much. I’m sure they have their reasons too.

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i think at least 50 is reasonable, to match her personal hp

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I honestly survive better with Zen because he at least has the damage to keep flankers at bay.

Brig is no longer a threat to anyone anymore.

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And I’m totally open to nerfing RP in exchange for a stronger shield.

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