Can Brig PLEASE get a stronger shield?

Making a character useful in high ranks but useless in lower ranks does not count as balanced. Please try again.


And she can do that just fine, better than most supports.

Sadly those stats can’t be separated by time and ranks. I wouldn’t look too much into them.

If she was completely useless and easy to kill at low ranks she wouldn’t keep a good winrate, even with a low pickrate. Moira’s existense makes her mostly useless, not her “squishyness”. If you nerf Moira, suddenly you have a lot more choices in lower ranks (and others too).

Which they have already done and her pickrate hasn’t gone up all that much. And keep in mind there aren’t a lot of supports so having a low pickrate out of of 7 heroes is a BAD sign.


This has not been my experience. If I get caught in the backline it requires IMMEDIATE attention or I’m toast. And not like “hey guys I got dived , plz assist”. just “HALP!” and if nobody instantly turns and drops stuns or a heal I’m dead. This is a death sentence in midrange play.

The best I can do is delay the inevitable but unless it happens to be someone with low damage, I am usually 1, 2, dead.

She is disparate in her limitations VS her effectiveness.

Can we not bring Moira into this? Brigitte is just sad compared to almost every other support. What does she do that no other support can’t do better?


Stopping ults and assisting dive heroes with armor packs just before they go out of LOS.

But regardless, I’d like to see her self-inspire last 10 seconds while the regular team inspire is still 6, so she has a little out-of-combat healing. It’s like 44 health. Won’t break the hero.

What? Because they don’t fit your narrative?


So… she has a stun, and a ranged boop that might help… but her being close enough to stop an ult will usually result in her death. … Maybe? Generally when I’ve played her being anywhere near the frontline has been a bad idea.
Countering DVA bombs is something I didn’t think of… but those are kinda a rarity too since DVA’s … poopy.

The delayed healing is nice, but I’d rather have Ana supporting me at range than losing sight of me and hoping I can survive to get back… maybe I just don’t have any faith in divers at my level or myself.


She’s actually really good against Reaper’s ult. He tries to drop in, boop. He tries to teleport and ult in the middle of your team, stun. Reapers usually have a bad time trying to be sneaky with their ult if I’m Brig. In a big brawl on point, if you can predict Rein’s shatter, go for it. I’ve done it. Also have a highlight where I perfectly predict Rein’s shatter after Zarya’s teammate bubble only to get bubble blocked by Zarya’s self bubble with her running in front of Rein… that was the big turning point why we lost that whole match lol otherwise I would’ve won that for my team. I’ve stopped Mei’s ult, I’ve stopped Sigma’s ult, multiple times, that’s a pretty big one. Roadhog’s ult can be pretty easy to stop too.

… I don’t understand how you’re getting close enough to do these things. I don’t get stupid reapers dropping on top of me and Being near Mei, Sigma or Roadhog is a bad idea…

but hey… both are anecdotal.

Her whole kit was based on her being close to the enemy. But some players at the higher ranks can go close only because of the double shield meta. If the meta changes and there won’t be as much barrier as right now, then her shield will break in 1,5 sec thank to 2 shots from Widow and she’ll be left there without protection, CC, mobility… Trust me when the meta will change the devs will realize that she needs a buff.

They could be 20m away and it doesn’t matter, they’re still wasting their ult if they drop.

Highly situational still. If you have a clear shot you might be able to boop them out of range but what if that’s worse? What can you do from 20m?

I think her repair backs healing portion should have burst at the start then healing over time for the rest of it? It can’t feel really really useless in a team fight when a teammate is at 10HP. They just die haha.

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No. Her shield is the equivalent of another hero.
Other heroes only have 200 and nothing to protect themselves with.

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… what a weird non-sequitur reasoning.

Other heroes are different so no.

I agree. Give her more shield HP please!



She still is (almost) the same 1v1 machine as ever.

But thanks to the low shield health she can not get into 1v1 that easy anymore.

And as this game has no counters to melee attacks, there is no really way to balance this.

shield can remain 200hp if u can mess other ppl aim with your m1 like shakin their camera, adding little cc somthin like that


Most other heroes have movement abilites that make them difficult to kill or abilites that reduce damage. Brig may have a 200 hp shield but it doesn’t keep her alive at all.


Shield tanks are all the rage this meta and her M1’s range is very forgiving.
If you’re still finding it hard to stay alive then I suggest switching to another support.