Mercy is my most played. Just so people don’t say “you don’t know her !!!”.
People keep saying that she’s skilless and the easiest hero (1 month ago it was Brig, like if that little nerf would really make the difference, I think Brig was balanced all along, but that’s another topic)
But I want that to change, maybe she’s easy, but she’s not skilless, she just have a low skill floor, you can be effective with her by just keep pressing left click, but a good Mercy can do way more. So stop saying Mercy is skilless, she actually needs skill if she wants to heal a little more than Lùcio. (Because when you’re just spamming left click, you’re healing less than a Lùcio, but Mercy can do OTHER things than just healing, like Lùcio can do other things : They both require a lot of playtime to master.)
So can Blizzard give her even more things that require skill, maybe make her one of the hardest heroes to play, so people will stop treating Mercy mains of trash because the hero they play can be effective without a lot of practice.
Btw I don’t see the problem with the fact that some hero have a low skill floor, isn’t that great ? Someone who’s just beginning can still be effective ! That’s a good thing ! Why aren’t people liking it ? Because they consider they needed to practise a lot to be effective with their heroes ? Just play heroes with a low skill floor like Mercy, Brig or Rein. So you can be effective without a lot of Practice.
EDIT : Afterall I’l not saying she’s easy, I’m just saying that she has a pretty low SkillFloor, and I just want people to understand that she isn’t braindead and skilless.
lowkey mercy is harder than people think.
honestly i think we better give up this “skillless, skillfull heroes” thing all together
all heroes are skillfull in different means, end of story
Never happening. She will remain the easiest healer because there needs to be an easy healer. Soldier 76 is the easy DPS to play, Reinhardt is the easy tank, and Mercy is the easy healer. Just how it is.
Yes, but that’s not really what people thinks apparently…
Not really, name one thing she has to do that no other character has to do
Yes, but can people stop saying she’s skilless and braindead to play just because she’s easy to play, and not to master ?
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Mercy already one of hardest to micromanage. You are either healing or resurrecting the dead to correct a teamates mistakes. Or vetting who is the best damage boost for the next play. There’s almost no down time playing Mercy and requires more effort with one of the most restricted kits.
Playing Mercy now, trust me, is not an easy task.
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Random old thread plug
i made a thread very long ago about this same thing, Thought id share, Click Here
Exactly what more can Mercy do now other than just holding left clik or right click? Her ultimate is worse. and her utility is standing in place for 2 seconds because nothing else can be done. GA hop is good, but the best way to play Mercy now is to be a wallflower and hope you don’t die
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Didn’t Jeff say there won’t be a rework, though?
That is impossible with her easy beams. The hardest thing about mercy is aiming her pistol lol or pulling off a rez in the middle of a point grab with a tank down.
Yes, but the point is that people still say that she doesn’t require skill, so maybe if she become way too hard to play they’ll stop. Maybe ? (That was a joke, she doesn’t need to be unplayable, I just want people to understand that she isn’t braindead, that the decision making is super hard, and that pulling out a rez is hard too).
Why would they rework her so people stop saying she’s easy, when she was designed and intenaded to be easy in the first place…?
A hero is only easy if they’re objectively strong.
Playing Mercy into a non-Mercy comp (Ana specifically) is definitely not an easy thing to do now, so much so that the only viable thing to do is to pick an Ana yourself and have Mercy pocket someone.
her movement mechanics take practice.
she has to juggle healing like Ana does.
I’m not saying she’s hard. just, not braindead easy like moira and baguette
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What sorts of mechanics aside from GA techs could raise Mercy skill ceiling?
Moira and brig aren’t braindead, but I agree with you on the rest.
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