Can Blizzard make a forum rule where we can't talk about politics?

As Russian, it’s a bit funny for me, that Russia handled Omnic Crisis without Overwatch. But I would give authors that - creating giant mechs would most likely be our solution.

And without Overwatch, they’re now starting the second one, as Volskaya essentially runs the country at this point and is colluding with the Omniums that continue to endanger innocents.

Which is fine for me, since Omniums were also created with good intentions, before hostile AI took control of them. Don’t need to discard tool, just because it’s previous owner had malicious goals.

Though I wonder, why Bastion is peacekeeping robot, since it’s entire design is far from peacekeeper.

Sure but that could also be used as an argument for there being insufficient evidence that masks are effective as well as that they are not.

Where’s I’m not wearing a mask guy I’ve been at the bank for almost three hours mask on and i don’t have carbon dioxide poisoning yet

I mean, the first link I posted referenced 172 different peer reviewed studies.

(Also double-blind apparently is a type of RCT) learned something

If Volskaya can negotiate with them for technology, it’s pretty safe to say they’re basically autonomous at this point. She may very well be manufacturing the Second Omnic Crisis simply to necessitate her company’s presence, profit off of wartorn cities that need protection, and further exert her political and economic control.

Political figures creating crises for their personal gain is kind of a textbook move at this point.

Not sure about it, since her factory still uses human security, despite it’s mostly closed status. Her deal with Omnics is more of a peace treaty, as you can’t keep country in war-like state forever, despite having active Omnium.

She uses human security to hide her alliance with the Siberian Omnics. She has to maintain the image of discriminatory and powerful- her country following suit does well for her.

Also, her deal with the Omnics is for technology to manufacture new mechs.

A. The Omnium attacks
B. Katya uses the mech force to defend against it
C. More cities employ her tactics and tech, and she gains more control
D. Both parties profit, as Volskaya must be giving them something of worth in return

It’s the opposite of a peace treaty

Don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, only Russian and Korean Omniums are operational at this point. One was out of reach for Overwatch, another was underwater, which also puts it beyond reach for Overwatch combat team.

May as well get useful tech from them, since initial goal of Omnium was to create Omnics, that assist mankind in various aspects - from servants and helpers to squadmates in battle. Judging by cinematic shorts and comics, God program didn’t even invent new designs - it used existing peacekeeping robots.

Yeah 172 different studies without RCTs and that the opening statement of the meta-analysis was that better evidence was needed due to that fact.

An RCT can include double-blinding, double-blind alone doesn’t mean it’s an RCT.

How do you know that, without even looking. Keeping in mind it’s almost standard practice for medical studies to use some form of RCT.

That’s what was stated in that page you linked.

Manufacturing a crisis in which lives are lost for the sake of expanding Volskaya’s power is definitely something wrong.

The problem isn’t that the Omnium is producing Omnics, the problem is that Katya is cooperating with Omnics who are deliberately hostile, likely so she can send in her mechs and further prove that her services are needed- her services are only needed because she made the crisis happen. At the very least, if she didn’t cause it, she allows it to continue and profits off of it.

As you can tell, objective is to obtain Omnium tech intact. Which is unique opportunity, since other Omniums in the world were destroyed by Overwatch.

Being at her place, I certainly wouldn’t let such chance pass, as Omnic Wars were major setback in science and technology, with a lot of knowledge being lost or forbidden.

Her goal is not to obtain undamaged Omnium tech. She does obtain that tech, but she uses it to increase the destructive capabilities of her mechs- not for the betterment of mankind through the improvement of medicine, transportation, etc.

She’s simply profiting off of a war, and both her and the Omnics benefit personally while their people both suffer massively. I don’t know how you can see that as the correct choice of action

I didn’t see suffering, but she certainly prepares to enforce Russia’s position in the world.

Not sure, if Omnics have a lot in terms of medical or transportation tech, since their means of transportation/repair wouldn’t be suitable for human.

Vishkar is doing basically the same thing in India and their missions around the world, such as Rio- initially attempting to improve conditions, and then employing sonic technology and serious restrictions on personal lives and liberty to profit off of the subjugation of the people they were supposed to help.

Zarya’s hometown was destroyed by the first Omnic Crisis- many of her people killed.

The second one will be similarly merciless, and people will die for Volskaya’s benefit.