Can blizzard just revert shatter

Please make rein viable again

He’s not horrible Rn in the sense that he’s an instant throw pick but people just get more enjoyment out of playing hog and zarya and just being dps with tank hps.

Rein on the other hand only had his ult to make big plays unlike other tanks like sigma that can hit skill shots and dva that can suck up ults etc

I could go on and on about how much reins power level, enjoyablity and pick rate is contingent on having a good ult, however I think most players by now realise that.

Not only will rein be stronger, if u revert his ult but people playing him will also feel like they are actually making impactful plays rather than just being the mercy of the tank category (being a shield bot instead of a heal bot)

My idea is to either fully revert shatter or at the very least half revert it

From 2.5 sec stun to 2.75/3seconds

I don’t think anyone complained about getting shattered anyway as it actually took skill to land. If anything people got pissed off at their own main tank for allowing consistent shatters to occur but not the actual shatters power level itself


It’s probably better to see what happens after Hog’s brought back down to earth. I’m not wild about going back to Rein all day, every day, considering I’m in the 90% of the playerbase where Rein + Zarya’s been the go-to for the last eight months or so.


Yea I do agree with that but overwatch is just more enjoyable for me atleast when either rein or Winston are the most played main tanks sure you want to play a bit orisa on her good maps etc but overwatch just isn’t the same without rein being viable atleast on the maps he should be.

If there where more tanks in the game I probably wouldn’t of even posted this anyway but sadly there’s not

shatter has nothing to do with rein’s current viability

he’s bad because he’s awful into double offtank (in ladder anyways) and he’s bad when spam damage is strong. ana/zen, ana/mercy, and mercy/zen are bad support comps to support him and they’re very strong against him

winston is considerably better in gm because nano winston is really good, his mobility lets him avoid roadhog/zarya and aim for the backline, and he synergizes much better with the support line in general

rein is my most played tank and i agree he isn’t good right now (he’s really overrated on ladder as a whole) but there’s no good reason to buff him when the huge thing keeping him out of the meta (hog) is getting considerably nerfed soon
people will go back to their conditioned and ill-conceived notions that rein is mandatory soon enough

I 100% support reverting Reins shatter nerf.


I think you’re focusing to much on just one part of what I wrote but whatever floats your boat bud

your entire post is about two things: 1) rein needs buffs (which is wrong) and 2) buffing shatter enables more playmaking which is a bad reason to buff someone when they don’t need buffs

don’t really know how to respond to it besides “deal with it” because shatter’s going to get more powerful when the meta shifts and has better targets to focus on without being instantly punished by roadhog


Well why did they nerf shatter when no one asked for it bud ?

It came with a patch that reduced the length of CC. 3 seconds stunned is a very long time, I’m glad it was reduced. 2.5s is still the longest stun (exception of sleep) in the game. It’s fine.


Yea but no one asked for it? It’s like all of a sudden reducing mercy’s heals back to 50 hps

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People have been asking for CC reductions for YEARS lol

Mercy’s healing isn’t CC

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I’m talking bout shatter specifically learn to read mate or don’t reply

And it’s just a stupid change kinda like reducing mercy healing like they’ve done in the past or reducing echos beam or torbs shotgun damage and to a lesser extent dva dm

Just lots of stupid little changes they they usually end up having to buff the character else where or finally cave in and revert them

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People kinda did ask for it, maybe more indirectly than directly.

People griped about two things before that nerf came in:

  1. Stuns feel bad
  2. Rein is a mandatory pick

Result, with the big wave of stun nerfs, Rein is included.

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Last I checked, Earthshatter is strong CC so should be included in the CC nerf patch. Learn to use your brain mate or don’t reply

Overwatch feels better with rein in it than out of it

It’s kinda like the grass is always greener on the other side situation where they just get sick of the same thing constantly
But overwatch objectivity feels better with rein and Winston as the most played main tanks.

But then again another solution to this is just to add more tanks

Also I’m not saying other tanks shouldn’t be played in the slightest I’m pretty sure everyone loves variants but objectively speaking I’m pretty sure people would prefer having a rein every game then let’s just say an orisa (because she’s objectively more boring to play not for everyone but a lot of people complained when she was meta more so even then rein or any other tank) or roadhog (he’s the opposite whereas the team complains more so than the tank player)

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Well rein has and always will be good in low elos for a good reason. He’s a basic tank at a low skill floor and teaches basics of ow. When he’s not people don’t figure out the basics of ow, I.e. original double shield boosting everyone. Winston teaches the same principles too but his skill floor is insanely high.

It’s an ultimate ?!? Do u think an ultimate should be weak cc?

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They have been the go-to since the game launched with brief periods of respite.

It’s ridiculous what they did to shatter. People don’t even respect rein’s shatter because they just get back up so fast anyways. Rein needs shatter to be reverted to be viable.

Yea on ladder atleast probably because there’s lack of other tank synergy

2 things that bugged me about tanks is that

1 they nerfed dvas dm then added in sigma (so sigma just made dva irrelevant as he’s a better version of her peel mechanics) and also made her worse to combo with ball (not soo much with Winston tho)

2 they reworked orisa by nerfing her barrier to stop double shield but it didn’t work at all
And just made her synergy with roadhog way way less which basically ruined one of the only 5 tanks comps

So basically there’s only 3 viable tank combos out of the possible 5

Dva ball and orisa hog are just Garbo

Only combos we have is dva Winston , rein zarya and orisa sigma
I would add hog zarya but that’s gonna also be irrelevant once hogs nerfs come through

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