Can’t win a single game

Placed in bronze 1 climbed to gold 1 with Mercy around 50% average win rate. Since the last patch my win rate has tanked to around 20%. I’ve had 9 losses in a row today. Every match I out perform my mirror on enemy team and often put up stats better than both their supports combined yet I still lose, over and over again. My teams just seem utterly useless. In OW1 people would say it’s in your head and you’re just as bad as them, but with the scoreboard now I can see that’s just not true. Matchmaking in this game is completely broken I mean unplayable. I don’t even care about my rank I just want fair and balanced games. I was really hoping it would be different with OW2 but it’s turned out even worse. Utterly ridiculous.


I lost 6 in a row last night. Currently 6-10 in my DPS placements. Only played 2 games prior to the patch so hopefully I place where I should. I was 2338 DPS at end of Season 36 OW1… it’s my worst role from OW1. I just hope I stay in Gold.

Tank main and ready to move on from DPS comp games for this season .

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All you can do is focus on yourself and what you could have done better. You do get bad days where you will lose lots of SR but it will come back.

Also I hate looking at that scoreboard. Statistics Lie! It isn’t all about how much you heal. Picks matter more and especially the First Pick


I’m not even playing any more. I might as well throw as the result is the same. I guess I’ll see what happens when I get to 20 losses I suppose.

I wish there was a way to report blizzard for gameplay sabotage.


same… wasnt so bad till i hit gold… now my teammates are all in freaking bronze “i know because i ask every game” and the enemy team are freaking smurfs


I’ve had enough. It’s just awful and a complete waste of time and effort. I’m just going to find something else to play. OW1 was good. But this, no thanks.


You’re saying this like it’s a lot. It is statistically insignificant.

So your team is taking truckloads more damage than the other team that avoids damage and you’re surprised why you’re losing?


I don’t know what timezone you’re in, I’m in Pacific, and right now is still a bad time to play ranked. I usually wait until 8 or 9am, never play on Friday nights or throughout the weekend. Weekdays, never after 2 or 3pm and at night, I usually play around 9pm to 1 or 2am. You kind of have to play ranked when the vast majority is at school, work, or asleep for the next day.

I know we has a disagreement about Ranking by performance vs Winrate but I still think that there’s something broken about how most players ranked out of Bronze 5 to Gold. I think what has happened is all the high performance players have reached their peak and now teamplay is more important that performance. If everyone just cares about stats games cannot be won as the objective is what’s important in Higher ELO.

As a mercy player your healing is very important but there’s time when the right Rez or choice on who to heal affect the outcome of the match. Also it most likely isn’t even your fault as the Tank and DPS don’t know what’s needed to support you and the team because everyone’s just statpadding.

This is why I disagreed that performance ranking is a bad metric. Sure kills and heals are important but knowing when to flex is what wins games.


Yes I agree I was sure it was stat based as I went up 2000sr on negative win rate. But then I hit where I was in OW1 and it’s like a brick wall so who knows maybe it was just boosting me back to where I was before and the reset and climb is all a sham.

Once I was back to where I was I went 14 losses of unwinable games, 5 of which had leavers on my side. I gave up. Jumped back on later in the evening and I’ve gone 6 wins, 1 of which we had a leaver and still won. This is exactly the same as what OW1 was like, win streak followed by loss streak, matches feeling fixed and the outcome decided before the start to the point where you have to play like a pro to have any chance of even a draw.

If it is the same system underneath and all they’ve done is hide the numbers then I’ll probably give up. I should of known really they called it ranked 2.0 and we all know what that means now.

You can’t carry low ranks with mercy

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Mercy is a terrible pick so why would you expect to win and climb?

Ok well…

14 loss streak
7 win streak

Rank remains exactly the same. I did play like an insane man these past 7 wins. Last match I got 27k heals, 68 assists and 2 deaths in 15mins. I’m thinking stats must have something to do with it then? Otherwise I would have surely ranked down as that’s a 33% win rate since my last rank adjustment.


so. basically, live to play the game lol this is really annoying

Is this really the truth? The worst games I’ve had were definitely during the weekends. The dps diffs were so insane that time; on the weekdays the games were at least fairly balanced.


These times work pretty well for me. I try not to play comp otherwise. I either do something else or mess around with some other gamemodes. You may get some good players here and there but the majority of the matches are pretty bad compared to the times I play.

That makes sense. That you would get the casual players on the weekends and evenings. I might try doing my 7 wins in the morning too, around 8am for however long it takes and then call it a day.

my wife is in bronze1 now, finally. she had to ‘derank’ from silver4 placements.
first time pc user first time gamer. the has been losing games (unintentionally) over and over putting up the worst stats imaginable and it just won’t let her drop down to my bronze5 rank. i’m waiting for her here so we can play together and it won’t let us. it’s like there is a floor at bronze1 for actual vulnerable population, and below that is the dungeon.

how is that possible if not for totally rigged hidden ranks ?


At the point now where even though I’m playing with a group of friends some are starting to pass in rank high gold low plat while I’m still Bronze 2 even though we always play as a group. Just won 7 games lost 1 only went from b3 to b2 which I killed it and got b3, 3 times in a row before that. I’m positive in wins, I don’t get it. I feel bad for the bronzers that are actually bronze especially since we roll them so badly sitting in spawn. Out of those 7 games none of them even won a round no jokes either I verified with my history.

They need to issue a fix to the players are are destroying in bronze queue but getting nowhere in rank. If they don’t issue a real fix soon they are gonna see people drop like flies and will have too much salt to come back to the game. Happens all the time.

ever since SMS requirement for legacy account being removed, I’ve noticed high amount of smurfs just flooding the Competitive match and destroying the match experience.
And its noticable when they do double the damage of what the average damage dealers on match is doing, one time guy doing double damage just types “im GM on smurf”.

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