Calling it now:

Mercy replaced Ana during the ban in dive comps. So my guess is that we wont see Mercy anytime soon

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She is undead at this point.

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Yeah, but Lucio and Zen were barely changed since their launch rework and Mercy is in her most balanced state. It’s more like Brig is too powerful than they are too weak. Buffing them is just more powercreep

welllllllll. with an aoe heal nerf combined with nerfing her over all hp a lot more thing can kill her now for one doom can now one shot brig with punch same with hanzo and her ult doesnt protect her from pin anymore either i would even go so far as to say hog also one shots her now combined with his damage buff. this also doesnt include double shields being nerfed which was the best comp to run her in. im gonna say that brig shouldn’t actually be meta im gonna say the main comps to be run will be rush down with rein zar lucio and classic dive though you might be able to find success with her on defense in more static maps like 2cp im thinking she will struggle in other locations.

The game is flankerwatch. Ana is in so many games it’s not even funny. Brig is the best bodyguard for ana and the best answer to flankerwatch.

Brig is also largely carried in GM compared to middle/lower ranks due to 6-man teamwork/coordination/everyone on comms/doing callouts

It’s really not surprising how she’s Meta™

It’s the perfect set of circumstances to make her solve various problems not related to her kit-strength yet they keep nerfing her kit instead of targeting the actual source (flankerwatch/Ana/double-shield to a lesser degree)


Bap is meta too ya know

I think if she will be a viable pick depends on the next meta tank combo.
Since she can’t be as agressive on her own anymore she feels more like a niche pick for me now.

Lucio: 1.75% pickrate with a 53.1% winrate
Brig: 10.61% pickrate with a 55.56% winrate

(Overbuff>PC>This month>GM)

She is over 6 times better than him in pickrate and has a better winrate as well. On par you say?

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I don’t get the forums. Demanding nerfs for Brig, but still complaining when she gets nerfed.

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Did you read your own comment at all?

Edit: Reference post was changed.

I am quite sure he/she refered to the experimantal Brig Lucio not the live patch.

Yeah sry corrected it.

Well the community isn’t just one entity, firstly…

Second, my post is about how the nerfs will do nothing, not my actual opinion on whether I want nerfs or not.

I mean just because she is strong doesn’t mean she has to be trashed.

When all you have is a hammer…

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Wouldn’t mind, Ana is also at the top of the list of broken heroes, having a pick rate just under Brig’s.

Like, where are her nerfs?

Oh wait, skill based hero, I forgot.

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Talking about experimental genius. Current Brig overshadows Lucio by being a better AOE healing and better utilities but with her weakened survivability and healing their overall healing will generally be the same with their utilities clashing to see whos is better in certain scenarios.

Except Brig has better tools to deal with flankers, AND get repair pack ON TOP of her AOE.

This person hit the nail on the head honestly.

Seriously, I play brig because


Lucio and Brig’s utilities to deal with flankers is honestly not a huge difference. Skill floor id say def brig but in the higher ranks lucio can do more damage with good aim, boop is still a very good cc to throw off aim and mobility. Amp healing is also pretty good keeping the team alive as well as repair pack. Lucio also has speedboost in order to escape/initiate fights.

Nerfed Brig’s survivability also takes a large hit compared to lucio due to how close she needs to be to be fully effective.

So I’d say they’re on par.