Calling it now:

I agree that the terms used are wrong. A better term would be that other supports are weak.

bap is meta my dude.

Whatā€™s the problem this week then? It always seems to change right after a nerf for some reasonā€¦

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same one as before.

brig is a hero with a ton of close range utility, and the fact that they gave her such a reliable and powerful long range healing tool made her have too much

If Dive does come back, I still see a Brig in it, as in Brig/Zen (or maybe Brig/Mercy, we shall see).

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Exciting, isnā€™t it?!

Itā€™s more that no one can do her job of protecting the other healer. Teams tend to have a vulnerable healer, and a none vulnerable healer, and the none vulnerable protects the vulnerable. There have been a couple exceptions, but not enough to be seen as ā€˜metaā€™.

Lucio could theoretically do what Brig does, but heā€™d need a couple buffs, mainly to his boop, speed boost, and maybe even his ult (cheaper ult, imo).

With the Orisa changes and Zen buffs I reckon we could be looking at a Brig-less dive once again too. Zen/Mercy already saw some play in APAC with Orisa banned, now with HP and Halt nerfs, I could see the situation transfering.

Sigma is also more punishable, less shield, less grasp.

Brig herself could be said is more diveable. She is stronger against sustained damage but in theory an organized dive could burst her down easier than before, but now I feel like Iā€™m reaching.

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Or Rein comes back, and Brig is used to protect Ana.

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Oh mate, Rein always comes back.

I must answer. Always.

I love this patch.


Wanna explain to me why she was strong in goats? strong in dive? Strong in pre genji double shield? Itā€™s definitely the fact that genji was overtuned that brig was being played! Itā€™s not like hundreds of players have used that character to climb from dog tier elo to gm+. Her current kit is used to pocket heal, self sustain, team sustain, and multiple forms of CC. She needed something. Iā€™m not sure if this was the change, but itā€™s definitely a step in the right direction. She can be 1 shot now like the rest of the support cast (she already has a shield to prevent this when crossing angles anyway) The healing per second on self inspire was also a semi buff to her survivability. If sheā€™s alive for more than 3 seconds active in the fight itā€™s a net sustain buff to herself. Her repair pack was probably the thing that needed tweaking, but since they didnt go that route, sheā€™ll still do a lot of healing 110x 3 charges + 15/sec aoe is nothing to be laughed at.

By what I hear dive was already played a lot in Korea. NA for some reason loves Rein comps more than dive and that is probably what we will see now. Which means a required Lucio for the Rein rotations. Then OWL is always setup heavy (Which is why this orisa halt nerf might be major in changing the meta there). For OWL they might go with what they played when Orisa was out of rotation (Brig/Lucio & Zen dive)

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Well if Lucio is in the Rein comp, that means Moira is probably there too. Lucio just canā€™t protect Ana that well currently.

Sadly that is probably true (I hate Moira)

edit: My WR with Lucio/Brig is 60% while my WR with Moira is 35%. I just donā€™t know how to be effective playing as Moira.


Amen, this right here!

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Iā€™m just amazed so many people have watched nerf after nerf after nerf fail, and they still donā€™t get it. Can you explain it?

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Well it is just that the other healers donā€™t provide what is necessary to be good these days.

Zen canā€™t even protect himself and people expect him to actually be useful without Bap wasting IF on him? Or Mercy sticking her Staff up his butt?

Lucio has a good ult but it is not needed these days because Brigs ult already does the thing while being more versatile and long lasting. Also his boop is not really efficient in protecting Ana against the current meta heroes, yet Brigs stun, RP and boop is.

Mercy isā€¦she is Mercy, no need to even try lmao.

Too situationional, too restricted by her own kit lol

I was more talking about how other people donā€™t understand the facts that are staring right at them.

No idea lol.

But maybe they will get it after double shield goes down and yet Brig and Ana are still the only good supports.

Who am I kiddingā€¦it will just be Brigs fault again.

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Frog gang! We can actually play the hero we played to play!!!