Calling it now:

I don’t get the forums. Demanding nerfs for Brig, but still complaining when she gets nerfed.

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Did you read your own comment at all?

Edit: Reference post was changed.

I am quite sure he/she refered to the experimantal Brig Lucio not the live patch.

Yeah sry corrected it.

Well the community isn’t just one entity, firstly…

Second, my post is about how the nerfs will do nothing, not my actual opinion on whether I want nerfs or not.

I mean just because she is strong doesn’t mean she has to be trashed.

When all you have is a hammer…

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Wouldn’t mind, Ana is also at the top of the list of broken heroes, having a pick rate just under Brig’s.

Like, where are her nerfs?

Oh wait, skill based hero, I forgot.

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Talking about experimental genius. Current Brig overshadows Lucio by being a better AOE healing and better utilities but with her weakened survivability and healing their overall healing will generally be the same with their utilities clashing to see whos is better in certain scenarios.

Except Brig has better tools to deal with flankers, AND get repair pack ON TOP of her AOE.

This person hit the nail on the head honestly.

Seriously, I play brig because


Lucio and Brig’s utilities to deal with flankers is honestly not a huge difference. Skill floor id say def brig but in the higher ranks lucio can do more damage with good aim, boop is still a very good cc to throw off aim and mobility. Amp healing is also pretty good keeping the team alive as well as repair pack. Lucio also has speedboost in order to escape/initiate fights.

Nerfed Brig’s survivability also takes a large hit compared to lucio due to how close she needs to be to be fully effective.

So I’d say they’re on par.

Well the only place where you can definitively say whether one hero is better or worse than another is live.

Forgive me for assuming you were making an argument based on evidence instead of knee jerk reactions to the experimental card.

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Nah it’s all good I understand where the assumption comes from. Aka forum users being the typical 5head players they are lol.

I find her more unkillable right now than she is on live.

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Oh, what a surprise…


How can that be? Everyone on forums say you just hold right click and you automatically climb to GM. :thinking:


Nah, bap kinda fun ngl

Ana has the highest pickrate in the game in every rank except GM, where she’s still higher than Bap. And this is during a double shield meta.

Brig jail was used because it put dps players on brig. Notice how that term isn’t used anymore now dps don’t have to play her?

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