Calling Cassidy by original name

don’t know if anyone considered this but will people start reporting others who call Cassidy by his original name ‘McCree’ ?

I only ask because I can see this happening…even if the person isn’t doing it out of malice but just say the original name because of force of habit.


Will people report for stupid reasons? Absolutely
Will you get banned for it? Hopefully not


Maybe some snowflake will, but I highly doubt it will result in a ban.


AndyB already confirmed that players don’t get banned when calling Cassidy by his old name.


Let me remind people reports on the console are irrelevant.


Precisely, here:…-i-love-it/638393/72

we should consider this situation analogous to Hammond / Wrecking Ball, in order to convert annoyance into a habitual choice.

I personally like to call him “McCassidy”. it’s not a provocation, just as much as I like the cowboy name, the suffix “Mc” is hard for me to leave.


I doubt you are going to get banned because of this but some people may report (even though it’s stupid, it’s like reporting for calling Wrecking Ball Hammond)

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It would be false reporting anyway. We can call him McCree if we want, there is nothing wrong with it.


How pathetically downy soft does someone have to be to report a player for using McCree?


No, loads of heroes and abilities have their unofficial names dubbed upon them by the community. Call him whatever you want.


Same, they should have kept the Mc suffix and given him something other than Cree, like McCole or McDave.

If they are reporting us for calling the character by His old name. I wouldn’t worry about it. We are all still getting use to the name change.

petty if they do i keep calling him it ny mistake its like mouth memory or something

I don’t see why you would get reported for doing that? When you’ve known him for his old name for so long it’s obvious that people will call him by his old name by mistake because you’re not used by his new name yet.

People will just have to learn and remember that he goes by cassidy now and not mccree, and it will take a long time doing so.

People will also report you for calling him Cole Cassidy. They’ll even report you if you sneeze the wrong way. I wouldn’t stress about it, usually you won’t get banned unless you upset a lot of people consistently.


Lol. Why would anyone report someone for using Jesse McCree? That is just silly. It’s a cool sounding cowboy name. Say it with me, “Jesse McCree.” See, doesn’t that sound cooool? :cowboy_hat_face:

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Some people could be missing the real point. You don’t need to justify why he’s still being called McCree. Why feeel the need to explain or reason (i.e. we’re used to calling him McCree/Cree) with anyone? It’s unnecessary and redundant.

lol yea that’s why I ask because there are people like that in the world.

That wasn’t directed at you specifically. Walk with me for a moment. If you would have to tip-toe on eggshells like this, would you really want to stick around? I suppose we all have our breaking points in acquiescence, but I can’t imagine (even in this brittle social climate) getting in trouble for using McCree.

In this context, I think you guys mean prefix.

Pre = before, like predict, previous, preemptively.