I just want to remind everyone that I called this way ahead of time and no one believed me. Before the Hanzo rework and before the live Brigitte release. ⬲ Get Ready for the Sniper Meta! ⟴
Must feel good to be the guy who sees what’s coming when most others do not.
Worth digging your own post history for.
Credit where’s due for predicting that Dragon/Grav Wombo would also become extremely powerful.
You were about 80% right, with the only real flaws in your argument being failing to predict that Snipers would be meta on both attack and defense since Snipers are the only solid counter to themselves and thinking that Mei/Reaper buffs would really hurt Dive, when it was pretty much entirely Brigitte.
Still impressive though.
So this is your fault!
It’s pretty bad that Blizzard fails to see the consequences of their actions.
Dismantle dive with single digit brain cell Brigette, and buff snipers, suddenly they become prevalent.
Hanzo and Widow shouldn’t have gotten the buffs they did in the first place. A good Widow was already hard enough to displace when her Grapple was on the higher cooldown. Then they went ahead and took away all of Hanzo’s weaknesses, making him a better pick than any other damage hero
If I knew how to link a slow clap .gif I would.
Actually good job.
Hanzo on the ptr didn’t get much attention and everybody thought he is going to be “ok” and “balanced” and an ok sized in the community at the time wanted Widow to be buffed and I disagreed with all of those statements.
Nice to see someone that goes against the forum opinions and at the end being right,
What’s next, “get ready for the Hanzo nerf” ?
Something similar happened with Mercy mains, especially after Ana’s nerf. :/
I hate this meta, something like the Spamrat meta. You get headshotted every 2 seconds, at this point i start to miss the dive, where at least it was faster and felt more fair. But i hope to see the next meta more like a deathball or S2 meta, with more McCree, S76, Mei and Sym
A 2.5k rated player is better at balancing heroes and can predict meta trends better than all of the balancing team.
Keep in mind that the balancing team is being paid to do this as a job and this player has no real motivation other than his passion for the game.
I’ve predicted a few things but never posted it before. I wish I have done this. When I told people the Mercy rework will make Mercy/Zenyatta the best support duo in Overwatch. I wish I wasn’t right about this. But good stuff man.
I would love to be yelling I told you so too.
I can sense sarcasm, so I’ll explain it to you.
being able to predict a meta change based on announced tweaks is a sign of massive gamesense and just…the guy knows a ton about overwatch to be able to predict sniper meta with that accuracy.
season 9, dual sniper means team rages for dps swap. and this guy is all “yeah this is gonna be meta next season”
that is insane game sense. stop being condescending at people who are better than you. it will help you climb down your pedestal and become an actual decent human being
They do not fail to predict meta. They choose them ahead.
Pretty much they admitted such thing in an interview a month ago or so about Brigitte. They knew what she would bring upon her release, they even said that they create their own ‘meta’ during testing and if they like it, they bring it to us.
Their ‘mistakes’ are not actually ‘mistakes’ but choices of their own.
Except the hero reworks. These were true mistakes they have yet to solve or admit even.
They’re never gonna admit. I’m still so hung up on how Ana can stay this weak for so long and they say “We don’t wanna fix any of her weaknesses” then you look at Hanzo or Junkrat who got his weakness completely removed.
I would also add Mercy in that list if I was in your shoes.
Imagine them having a board like darts.
Each line has a name such as ‘sniper meta’, ‘triple tank meta’, ‘2-2-2’, ‘bayblade meta’.
I suppose that time they hit the ‘sniper meta’ line. In a few months, they will try again.
For the sake of ‘fresh content’.
I feel bad for the dude that commented first on your old thread. He must feel silly.
The next meta I’m not sure about yet. People saying the Symmetra Meta. Don’t know yet but maybe dive triple tank meta. I’m just soooo sick of Mercy and now even Zenyatta because he’s piggyback riding off of her.
I wonder is ReaperxAna beyblade minus the beyblade will ever become meta again.
Symmetra can actually assist heroes who have issue with mobility a.k.a can’t get in high grounds like Mercy does so I could welcome her with open arms.
Zenyatta has been ‘piggybacking’ for years now regardless if it was Ana or Mercy as ‘meta’. Perhaps it is the time to have a glance at him too ?
Did I come off that way?
Wasn’t my intention at all.