Buying on steam not working

Same issue here. Think I made the ultimate bp purchase around 3 this afternoon and have rebooted / toggled the steam overlay about 20 times.

Hopeful for a fix before this weekend.


This is just straight up unacceptable. Never in almost 20 years of using Steam have I seen a game fail to recognize purchased DLC.


I’m about to go fight the “non refundable” part.

I’d like to have what I purchased, please. OR at least an update on the issue…

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Oh noes, I hope they fix it, Its showing up in my steam client, so its half way there at least

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Same issue here, none of the anecdotal fixes have worked for me sadly.

The company already trashed their reputation with the announcement of PVE, now the remaining players who are willing to invest in it are getting screwed over?

This is insane and unacceptable for a company worth tens of billions of dollars.

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Same. And they’re aware FYI:


No I literally bought this pack over 5 hours ago and have still not received the DLC pack. I think its an issue for a lot of people right now, so lets hope we get what we payed for.


same. bought like 8 hours ago and still nothing.

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I’ve received it just gotta wait I guess up to 24 hrs as they have said. next time buy stuff in battlenet I guess. Since thats instantaneous. this seems to be a problem for nintendo store too, and playstation/xbox

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Overwatch 2 has truly innovated the industry, by taking your money and not giving you any actual product to show for it.

I have this same issue. No content provided to me in-game. You bet they took my $50 though!

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Same thing here, I purchased content via steam but I didn’t receive any of the content. Since this is happening to so many people I really hope it gets resolved quickly. Overall a very frustrating experience happening to everyone it seems.

Bought it on the launch of the Steam version before I could see all the negative reviews. 12~ hours later, still don’t have it. Literally tried everything I could on my end :melting_face:

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Hi, I’m replying to this to give some insight to anyone who is looking for answers. I bought this for steam close to release, I did not receive it. Around 5 hours later with no luck I spent about 2.5 hours troubleshooting trying everything in the book. I can say with confidence that there is no trick with this as it is not a downloading issue but an issue with the game not acknowledging the steam dlc. So don’t uninstall the game (I’ve tried). Don’t validate the files (I’ve tried like 10 times). Don’t exit steam (I’ve tired). Just open the game to see if you have it and close it and do something else. Don’t waste your time like I did. It will probably be resolved within the next few days. You may have seen this on another post I’m trying to hopefully save someone’s time.


Yep. Same Issue here

Thank you! i was about to try all of this lol

Everyone uninstall then reinstall the game on steam i just did it mysekf and it worked

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Yeah fellas its its the same for me
I bought the 15$ bundle but nothing has been reflected on my account
Let’s hope this gets fixed asap

Didnt work for me as well. I reinstalled the game, that fixed it for me.

I hope this could help you!


They fixed the issue i got my 1000 coins and missions unlocked.

SOLUTION: (1) Launch the game from launcher like you always have up until today. (2) Close the game. (3) Launch the game from Steam. (4) Profit. (Your 1000 coins should be available in the shop and the first story mission should be available in the Missions tab.)