"but the majority likes 1-3-2"

you don’t know any point of view but mercy. you never played anything else…so please don’t act as if you can speak for tanks, dps or supports.

We actually had this in the game at one point but it was pulled cause people would rate losses negatively and wins positively so it didn’t give them a ton of useful data to work with.

Yes, I can remember. But for sth like this mode they could implent it once again.

Okay but here’s a thought: If you lose dps mains over long queue times, that means fewer people are playing dps… which lowers queue times. It’s a self correcting problem.

If you lose healers/tanks over 1-3-2 because we don’t enjoy being beat down, then you have fewer healers/tanks… which raises queue times… which is the whole reason you made this change.


The forums is also not an accurate representation of the OW community, as many don’t use the forums, there’s also different regional forums or they don’t post their opinions.

Imo a way they could implement it is after, say 10 games of experimental play, they give the player a form to fill out.
#1 preferred role.
#2 how would you rate the ongoing experiment.
#3 peak Sr (although I guess you don’t need to fill this out.)

We don’t have the mental effects of the immediate match affecting the player.

There’s enough time investment where we don’t get only first impressions but we don’t lose the input of people who don’t enjoy the mode and don’t want to play it for an extended period of time.

We get Sr/role input so the devs can do targeted changes that effect certain parts of the community.

It’s all automated so no humans shifting through data.

Maybe throw in a small reward for filling out the form as a way to motivate people?


Same was said about 2-2-2, and most of the playerbase stayed.

Even if they didn’t like it.

Probably less than 1, cause the MAJORITY are golds.

KR server is going through coma atm

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I think this is your own cognitive bias. I, personally, have seen far fewer people in favor of it than not, but perhaps that’s because it’s what I expect to see since I dislike it.
However, the only survey I’ve seen had 81% of people say that didn’t like it, so my thought that most people dislike it might be influenced by that. Enough people dislike it that I’m actually shocked when someone likes it, especially a tank.
I, personally, would quit queuing tank under 1-3-2. Maybe I’m a bad example, because I’ve stopped queuing tank due to the “Only Rein is viable” meta, anyway; but I don’t think I’m the only person that would quit tanking (or even just playing the game entirely.)

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which isn’t really indicative of it doing what it’s supposed to do cause if I remeber when sigma came out the dps queue was about 3 minutes while tank was up in 7 minutes
it’s the honey moon faze of people trying out new tanks as most of them have been reworked(except hamster boi R.I.P)

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If only that was totally true.

That’s not how it works here in the America Our most powerful position is not elected by majority but by an antiquated electoral college system - rigged by those who can control the gerrymandering of our counties/parishes in each state. The votes are rigged to favor one side or the other.

There was a post from Jeff that said feedback was mostly negative, at least on first impressions. I think that should tell you something.

Really now? My browsing of the forums has produced the exact opposite result. Lots of people pointing out huge problems, and those disapproving of 1-3-2 tend to have large numbers of likes. Those approving of 1-3-2 tend to have few to none.

But again, this isn’t a scientific or accurate reading. It’s just that my anecdotal experience is diametrically opposite yours.

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51-49. Where have I seen those percentages before…?

Ah yes, Brexit. And that still went through. A majority is still a majority no matter how small.

Still, I think the general consensus is that most people don’t like 1-3-2.

I just think it’ll be a shame if they reinvent the wheel like this and queue times don’t change.

This change puts a lot of pressure on the tank. They are alone, no defenses from a co-tank to rotate through when you get CC’d, walled off, purpled, or killed. Mega spotlight on your performance. There will be at best two meta picks, and you’ll be -heavily- pressured to pick those, specifically the one that counters the enemy the best.

This change puts more pressure on the supports. I’m sure they’d make changes, but for now only Lucio and Mercy would have consistent viability. The others will succumb to a new brand of dive. Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, no Winston but a mega d va. An extra dps, one less tank but the remaining tank is uber. Moira and Bap could maybe survive but their brand of healing won’t work for dps heavy comps.

TLDR, I’m not against 1/3/2, but only if it actually addresses queue times. I want things to be better for dps players, I want the game to succeed. I’m just not convinced that squeezing in one extra dps each game will counterbalance the number of tanks and support who quit those roles because they are no longer fun.

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Even Kaplan said so far the majority of the feedback seems negative.

I don’t like it as a main game mode. I think it would be bad for Comp to become 3-2-1. For a side mode, random arcade thing, qp like mode, it’s interesting and could be fun.

2-2-2 is here because most games were 1-3-2 and no one liked that

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No im pretty sure the most common argument for 2-2-2 was not having their time wasted on a game where half the group was arguing over mercy and the other on genji.

That and even getting a single tank was a headache, or when someone does flex the moment they die and start complaining which would lead them to swaing on to dps or just leave the ranked game.

So we can’t insist the majority is for either side >: D