brig wrecked the game with how strong she was and she wasn’t locked.
and besides if “it won’t be that bad” is the best you can say about a change then maybe it’s not a good change you should defend.
Awesome when OW3 copies Fortnite Store Model instead we will pass the NEWS unto you asap cuz I don’t play Fortnite nor even care.
Maybe Fortnite has way too much cosmetics going forever towards the game over NEW Gameplay adjustments or NEW Maps or NEW Heroes or NEW Anything whatsoever at all. Idk you tell me?
This ain’t Fortnite OF. Idk anything whatsoever about some other game that looks like absolute garbage compared to OW let alone OW2.
Im just telling you to chill. its not changing and it wont be a big deal most of the time
You are mostly just mad in principal. Brig was really bad for the game period, they need to not do that again no matter how new heroes are acquired
if a new hero is OP then dont let them in comp until they are changed. not that hard to fix
ah yes, blizzard the world famous small indie company known for fixing things quickly
now imagine if brig was behind a 50 hours grind or a 10 dollar purchease.
That’s what the game has a non indifferent shot at being.
locking heroes only creates problems, why do you care more about a forum user being mad than the game you play being made worse?
what drives people like you to post?
im here to help and tell you it really isnt that big of a deal and that you are over reacting
you are assuming its always going to be worst case scenario, i need this hero to win
most of the time wont actually be like that.
• Does Fortnite have NEW Heroes?
• Does Fortnite have NEW Maps?
• Does Fortnite have anything New outside of Cosmetics to forever fill their Monetized Store?
Somebody please tell me………
Now I am seriously dying to know what we are seriously thinking whom OW2 should play follow the leader behind.
My main counter-point to that line of logic is:
" Well ‘Other F2P games’ also suck."
fortnite adds a lot of new weapons, gameplay options, veichles and even changes maps from time to time.
“dude shut up” is as helpful as a used condom.
even in the most benign case it’s still a downgrade to the current system. You are ok with a downgrade because you prefer to play “i’m better with you” with other forum users.
this thread wasnt helpful either though? you may not like my posts, i didnt like yours either
You dont need to start pointless complaint threads that have been beaten to death. you can stop over reacting though
your title is other games dont lock heroes when they do and Cod does something very similar with guns
I was on topic
You’re right. Now watch the shills try to tell you that being popular makes something good.
Seriously thank you. I just see a vastly inferior game that I will never be caught ever attempting to play placed upon some sort of pedestal for which OW2 should set its sights.
With all that you did indeed list I am certain via not only OW Graphical comparisons + Art Work + Animations + Voice Acting + Heroes + Maps that OVERWATCH is the PREMIER Game and NOT some dud named Fortnite.
They add frivolous cheap work on Fortnite and cover everything up w/ an endless supply of Store Items. I can pretty much guarantee such as being the case.
• OW is the pinnacle of AAA gaming
• Fortnite is the Minor Leagues of Game Development
I don’t seriously hope to see OW copying subpar inferior gaming
consider your this quote of yours:
stellar reading comprehension right there
you’ve talked about how you like cod better
They make you grind for guns and cosmetics but you never bring that up here. Doesnt fit your narrative
i read it and some games are better about it than others
TBh paladins is actually a lot worse than ow2 is going to be, i read it and disagree with you there
Its a long grind in apex but countering isnt a huge deal there so thats probably better than ow. I dont play valorant
I mentioned how cod does something pretty similar too and you dismissed that
you got called out and you started backpedaling. You totally thought i was saying “no other game locks heroes” and you went off on that alone.
It’s very, obviously clear that you just like to pretend you are superior for “not being mad” and feel the need to come to these threads immediately acting all superior.
paladins has a one time purcheas that gets you all past, present and future champions, plus all champions can be bought at your leisure on day1 with the coins you saved.
Overwatch 2 you have to buy a pass for the first 9 weeks and then you may grind a quest.
Call of Duty has always made you unlock guns since the inception of the series. The devs never promised that guns would never be walled off like Overwatch devs did with heroes. Apples and oranges.
Just keep on proving the OP right though. Every time someone criticizes OW2 your only response is “bUt OtHeR gAmEs Do iT tOo”. It’s not a good defense. Just makes you guys sound like children. “but mom, Joeys parents let him stay up past 9”.
Other games whom which OW2 will be replicating are vastly more prolific in animation & graphics compared to say Fortnite which looks like N64 gaming.
Blizzard is following a tried & PROVEN model that actually works for AAA high end Gaming.
I think Blizzard are head & shoulders the Best Devs at FPS gaming now but Fortnite doesn’t seriously even compare to the likes of COD nor Apex while Valorant is PS2 Mode.
the quality of the game is irrelevant to the discussion, my point is that fortnite is much more consumer friendly when it comes to monetization.
Plus if you want to discuss success fortnite is easily the biggest game out there, so i’m not even sure what you’re trying to say
It’s not irrelevant since you are deliberately ignoring the Dev Costs associated w/ more highly sophisticated gaming compared to Fortnite which is Cheap Dev output.
It’s like comparing AAA gaming to some random 3D game by some Dev that cannot match the same level of sophistication in neither graphics nor animation let alone costs to produce such content.