They made BANK off of low cost development on obviously PS2 looking gameplay and animations while OVERWATCH has always matched Pixar & Disney in just CGI alone.
Comparing Overwatch to Fortnite is like telling a Lamborghini to follow the lead of a Kia down the road and copy what they do.
Not even close. Bungie, Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Respawn and Id Software are lightyears ahead of them. Blizzard is the best at art direction. That’s about it.
if lamborghini has been in a rut for three years while kia is selling billions then yeah, maybe they should take a peek.
fortnite is the best performing f2p game around, do you think blizzard would choose not to follow it over a sense of superiority?
That’s 2K’s shtick and their “we don’t want people to think out game is f2p so we’ll call it demo instead”
at this point i’m not even sure what you’re blathering about, i merely said in my original post that fortnite is more consumer friendly and is also wildly succesful, so blizzard could’ve stuck to just cosmetics and not also lock heroes.
even if fortnite costed as much as overwatch to produce (it probably does) their monetization system still pulls up enough money to be the highest grossing f2p game around still.
They get new content all the time, you really dont know what you are talking about
Its not cheap either, fortnite was actually a really hard game to develop that was in dev hell for years. they have a huge team working on it at all times
I can even go as far as to safely bet that 1 Blizzard voice actor is probably paid more than all other voice actors in the whole game of Fortnite. If any exist?
• Low Res Texture and PS2 Graphics? Check
• Minimal Animations? Check
• No New Content aka Maps / Heroes? Check