Built a scoreboard for Competitive Play using the new Workshop Scripts

That would be a very prime example yes. If you need more details, these videos can help:

You already have stats for these things, such as defensive assists and offensive assists, they do a good job of showing how much of utility leads to killing.

The game itself reports stats yes, but I can’t build the workshop script to track that. They don’t have anything that helps detect those events.

Yeah I know that feeling :confused:
But if blizzard ever implemented something like that in the game, they could use them.

Indeed they could. Now it is technically possible for me to detect when a Sombra hacks a target, but I carefully decided not to implement that because it’s important to know that any crowd control It’s only effective if it really does contribute to the elimination. It’s one reason why I design the Workshop scoreboard to give points for elimination credit. In most cases with Sombra, after you hack a target you’re more than likely to get a little bit of damage into that target

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Is the improved Workshop released today?

only reason i want a scoreboard is too see where are the resources of the team are being used

I was thinking more along the line of keeping track of kills assists deaths.

This is great in and of itself. A training/practice range where I can quantify the effectiveness of my performance is very welcome.

Polish this up and make it available on live server please? ILY <3

Thank you for working to put this together for us.

Couple of suggestions:

Final Blows shouldn’t be rewarded this much, or arguably at all for a variety of reasons

(1). Doing 95% of the work in killing someone and having someone else get that last random bit of damage is common and enfuriating.

As a Sombra main I mean I’d feel awful because Opportunist already allows me to selectively finish off critical health heroes. Someone gets a Junk critical, he kaplaaaas to freedom, I finish him off. I get 500 points for doing minimal work

(2). It’s yet another reward for the One Hit Kill heros over the sustain ones

I don’t know if workshop allows this, but points for utility would be nice. Going back to Sombra, getting a hack on a Sigma or Rein and your team mates capitalizing on Suddenly No Shield to delete him, you should at least get something for that

Or Mercy damage boosting, if that isn’t already covered under damage

The other suggestion would be points for Damage Blocking.

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Unfortunately damage blocked is also not a trackable condition for the Workshop from what I can tell.

OK thank you for looking into that, just wanted to throw the tanks some love

I shall be always number 1 on this scoreboard :nail_care:

You should consider using fire … if scripts can use that data …

I would support a scoreboard like this ANY DAY.

This would make it easier to see who’s performing well and who’s not, without the subjectivity of a “I have gold elims on moira”. The fact that everything adds to a final score is great.

However, obviously any kind of stat system, including medals, is always going to lead to the toxicity of “I have the most points so I’m carrying. Oi, genji, you have the least amount of points, you suck, never play this game again”.

Yep, and that is where I noted I was concerned in this prototype if tanks would be presented well. On that note, I do believe successfully aggressive main tanks who are not afraid to take the fight to the enemy will successfully show on the scoreboard if they are carrying their team.

I think any scoreboard system would easily show Moira getting a high score. However, if a scoreboard does exist I think it is important to show that Moira is causing problems if she is not being focused on.

I think there is a binary condition to tell if a player is on fire, but I feel that would compound on the existing metrics I have.

It’d be nice to know the equations behind the “on fire” system. Seems like that’ll likely be the best single measure of performance that could be reworked to fit a score system.

Not exactly. The On Fire system grants a lot of Fire Points for things that don’t directly contribute to the match. Back during season 2, I was ALWAYS on fire playing Mei, because back then the Fire System easily rewarded damage blocking and objective time (something Mei is very good at), but I would sometimes perform terribly. On that note, the game does not use the same metrics for the Fire system when determining Performance-Based skill rating metrics.

I didn’t know that, that’s interesting. Although I’m sure they’ve improved it over time. I’d bet it’s better today than it was during season 2. I’m surprised it’s not very similar to the performance based skill rating though, since they’re theoretically supposed to be measuring more or less the same thing.

Oh hell yes, mainly they took away a lot of fire points for things that don’t directly contribute eliminations.