Buff soldier to counter pharhamercy

(I don’t want soldier bufff. He needs nerfs)


why soldier is still busted?? why blizzard still continue buffing the counter to fix the problem? this logic only create powercreep.

why they tried to buff torb and junkrat? because they want that those two heros can counter double shield… but they dont undertand that those changes will destroy the posibility to play a single shield like rein… after 5 years they still dont understand that buff the counter to fix the problem is the worst way…



Uh isn’t soldier currently at what of his best ever? They removed spread, gave him a predictable and easy to counter recoil. His dmg per shot is fairly high etc. While he might not stop Pharahmercy with ease it is at it’s core a problem of being a 2 on 1 fight. You can’t expect a single hero to counter a duo.


I think soldier works really fine, i can find myself sometimes having issues to counter pharamercy because of his recoil, but his dmg is really good.

I don’t see why he would need buffs when he works pretty fine imo.

Let’s power creep Soldier more.


Hahaa read the post. I don’t want soldier bufff. He needs nerfs.


Most people will just comment based on the title, I’d suggest something like “stop buffing counters” or something like that to avoid the thread being an echo chamber of soldier really doesn’t need buffs comments.

On the other hand I don’t really think soldier needs nerfs nor was the reason for his buffs to counter pharah. He’s a classically underperforming character who isn’t being power crept he’s simply being brought to the power budget of other characters.

lol what’s with the bait title


But soldier was Bad because mccree, hanzo, double shield and other heros were better. Not because soldier was a Bad hero.

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No soldier was bad because he has low dps, an inconsistent primary that was impacted by rng, a burst damage skill shot on a 8 second CD that deals as much damage as most burst damage primaries, and his utility is he has a small area of effect heal on an extremely long CD.

Soldier has consistently been in the bottom tier not because he is niche but because he was under tuned, as compared to bastion or symetra who have been pub stompers or good on specific maps.

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oh nonononono please don’t. Soldier is definitely not the one we need to tinker with right now. Yeah sure he might be a little overtuned, but that’s still within reasonable limits. Unlike a certain rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ man whose name I’ve seemingly forgotten.

he was balanced. a better way was just remove double shield, pharahmercy and nerf mccree, hanzo, ashe, roadhog, ana, bap and mercy dmg boost.

“THE PROBLEM” is something that Blizzard and most of the playerbase refuse to acknowledge. It’s nothing to do with hitscans or Pharah or Mercy, it’s all in the fact that DPS heroes are designed to burst, and PharMercy is able to stay at a distance where the inconsistency of burst just fails.

This isn’t indicative of PharMercy being a bad thing, it’s indicative of the lack of skill-expression involved with aiming in Overwatch.

Damage needs to be lowered, aiming needs to be more consistent and aim-skill needs to be better demonstrated. This is complicated because it requires innovating and making a new way to do the whole ‘hit or miss’ thing, but that’s the price of a game like Overwatch; you can’t just jam old Quake-style aim-mechanics into a drastically different game and expect decent results.

This is one of the main reasons Overwatch never was going to be alive for long, just another example of a broken foundation and Blizzard will always prefer to just toggle between OP hitscans and PharMercy being oppressive, but it’s easier.

yet your title says that you want soldier buffs to counter pharmercy

No, I don’t accept that nurfing a wide swath of characters instead of buffing one is some how better for the game. Power shrink is equally bad as power creep. Ideally you have a base line power budget and you balance around that and the lowest common denominator should not be your base line, some hero’s would be better buffed.

had a game yesterday with a pharmercy combo that dominated us. on the well map illios, we even had a soldier but that didnt help. was playing mercy myself but i thought about changing to ana but im like nah wont make a difference. tried my hardest then just went next game.

its not like it happens every game tho, ive had games where pharmercy wasnt an issue and contributed to it being not effective so i dont see it being much of a problem

is a joke about how blizzard work balancing the game…

I am just glad most people do not know how to play Pharah. She is a nightmare to deal with when the Pharah knows how to play around hitscan. I wish I was in lobbies where the forum people who think hitscan is OP just dominate Pharah, those games are probably even easier than my own.


…did I just get jebaited?

Anyways, I don’t think Soldier needs buffs. I don’t even agree with his ultimate being buffed to compete with other overpowered DPS ultimates. I preferred if DPS ultimates were more like baps where they actually have to put an effort into fragging. Instead of just pressing Q and letting the ability do all the work.

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i do think she is problematic in low to mid ranks where people are not organized or are chaotic. statistics show tho the higher the SR the less effective she becomes but shes one of those type of heroes that is VERY strong low to mid.

“paired with mercy”

also we have to remember that hitscan got a falloff nerf recently so yea she got stronger. everyone was wishing for hitscan nerfs tho so this is the outcome hah. i mean i main ashe and she hits like a wet noodle very far range now

Soldier still has longer range than bap I’m pretty sure. Pre-hitscan fall-off revert, Soldier’s damage fall-off range was 30 to 50 meters, Ashe was 30 to 50 meters (with ADS) and baps was 25 to 45 meters. So even with the hitscan nerf, hitscan DPS still are technically better at taking out Pharah.

But guess who is still having to take her out in ranked? Me as bap who has inferior damage and range lol. If you have good aim you should have no problem taking out Pharah. Unless of course, if that pharah is miles away, in which case it’s best to just ignore her and focus on the enemies closer to you.