Buff soldier to counter pharhamercy


If you buff something to fix a problem, you fix neither problem, you either still have the problem if X counter is not there and on top of that you have a new problem of the counter that is now strong enough to handle the former when the original problem is still around

Me getting heck from our mercy after explaining this same thing, while pushing into their advantage.

Remove recoil, they would die overnight.

Mercy Phara is NOT hard to deal with people…All you need is 2 hitscan who have decent aim and communication…Thats it…Nothing magical about it

Lol and You think that this thing is HEALTHY?? Forcé to pick hitscans just for exist???

Also lokk what You said. Two players with decent aim and coordination… While pharahmercy don’t needs anything?

Counter pharahmercy is harder to play. Is not a good and HEALTHY design

You mean a soldier and Ashe are only meant for Phara Mercy and no one else?
They are 2 of the best hitscans in the game against almost every hero…Your comment proves to me you have no idea how to deal with Pharamercy

And for this reason they should remove pharahmercy!?! If they nerf or remove pharahmercy and Also remove double shield, then now blizzard can nerf hitscans!!

Also With no pharahmercy, proyectile and close range heros Will have more pickrate.

So make the game NOT fun ?

Um echo exist too… so gotta remove her too I guess. I will admit I am not a huge fan of Pharhmercy. It’s the only real remaining hard counter in the game. Melee and projectile based hero’s other than Hanzo have little to no chance against them. It’s a hard counter to things like Junkrat, Mei etc.

Mean while every other hard counter in the game has been nerfed or removed… just seems odd to leave one in.

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Yeah but on someway echo should touch the ground a Lot more than pharah

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Umm depends I think. IF you hold the hover the entire time your boost is back before the hover runs out as Echo. So no you don’t have to ever touch the ground, though you will often get lower unless your starting point was some high ground.

Honestly I think echo is more dangerous than Phara. She flies much faster and smoother, harder to hit and her sticky bombs and primary fire is probably more accurate than Phara for it’s dmg. A good Echo/Mercy combo can dominate more than Phara imo, if nothing else her Ult is better.

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Bruh they removed spread AND removed falloff on his ult

He HAS been buffed to counter Pharmercy…

I know and this thing was a Bad way to balance the Game. They busted soldier to fix a problem.

Soldier is far from being busted. 225 Cree, Hanzo, Tracer, and Echo still exist.

Regarding Pharah, she herself isn’t broken. It’s the interaction with the pocket damage boost from Mercy. Same issue with Ashe a while back. The problem is damage boosting in general- it needs to be reduced and/or reduced to ultimates only-- such as nano. Thats the root of the problem and it causes breaking points with hero balancing. In a “competitive” game, all heroes should be on an equal playing field. Ultimates should be the only exception.

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Exactly. How much longer do we have to wait for the terribly - designed, low skill - high reward mess that is Pharmercy to finally be fixed?

Soldier is perfect rn I hope they don’t touch him

No, old soldier was stronger in some ways.

Current soldier is better at destroying slow players. His main strength was usability at medium distances where he could output quite painful amount of damage very accurately. Recoil destroyed that aspect and instead made him to output more damage at closer distances, and at closer distances there is no reason to play Soldier76 if you seek damage output.

Old soldier had no spread for 6 shots, mixed with helix he could deal 300 damage at quite long distance and even screw Widowmaker. Current Soldier theoretically can do that, but in practice its way harder than before.

Then there was range falloff nerf which pretty much completely massacred Soldier76.
He is bad at close distance damaging, he is bad at middle distance damaging, he is bad at long distance damaging. It just killed him.

Aaron and Co perfectly knew that, so they made his ultimate to have no damage fall-off. But whatever you do, it didnt change the main thing about his ultimate - at shorter distance non-ulting Soldier is stronger than Ulting Soldier :smiley: and at longer distances there is no reason to play him at all :smiley:

Part of the reason Pharmercy is as problematic is the mentality of players “lets just delegate one person to deal with two, gee wonder why it’s not working, let’s just blame the DPS”

Pharah isn’t even that prominent atm, her pickrate shot up a little bit because people assumed she would do better after the hitscan nerf, but it actually didn’t make any difference and since then she’s dropped off a fair amount since Soldier and McCree are the DPS meta

Very true as the down side of the duo mentality Phara/Mercy tends to have. If you don’t get extreme value out of your Phara she’s wasted two people if not more as the Mercy often can’t do much for the rest of her team as the Phara tends to play off to the side or even deeper. If your phara isn’t getting constant picks she’s generally more a hindrance than a benefit to your team.

The fact Hit scan are in nearly ever match even without a Phara doesn’t help either. Even if they can’t effectively kill her, doing enough dmg to force her to back off and play more cautiously already causes problems. As I said if Phara isn’t popping off she’s not only not pulling her own weight she’s dragged the second healer into the mix which nearly always has to be Mercy.

Only a few healers have any real chance of healing Phara, some like Lucio or Moira can’t do it at all.

Soldier no need more buffs.