Buff roadhog and mei and sombra and sym and reaper and bastion and junkrat

hold on. lemme go get you a list of well known reapers…

sprit the end youre welcome

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I Want you to search up ‘‘Overwatch PC Reaper Leaderboards’’ and tell me how many people you see top 50 that play reaper. End of conversation. period.

literally none of them

Okay listen. Reaper is not trash above or below plat. he is a terrifying and powerful character in the right hands. he needs a buff i agree but other than that. YOU CANT. CHANGE. MY MIND. and if you think reaper is still trash. go see Discord320’s profile. he’s #1 PC. US. Reaper. grandmaster. he’s top 77th aswell.

number 77 is some guy named zebbosai who has almost 0 time on reaper theirs only 1 top 500 reaper player and his name is spirit

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If you let Reaper, or anyone for that matter, get as close as Reaper needs to do damage, of course.
I don’t know what rank you play at, but the fact you think Reaper is a hardcarry in almost every game tells me it’s not all that high. This is silver/gold speak.
Try playing him in anything above 2.8k and tell me how it goes for you. Widow and McCree aren’t going to let you take positions to play like that.

Reaper is trash.


i said top 77… c’mon now.

you also said you were gonna give me a list of great reaper players and you gave me 1 person :thinking: that isint even in top 500

Told you to go search up a leaderboard for US. PC Reapers. c’mon now man ;thinking;

I decided to look at the top 500 leaderboard instead 0 there

I got R3ap3r.

Probably because Spirit is the only consistent t500 Reaper player.

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in my opinion on reaper he isnt bad when he is up close(unless brig is around) however getting up close is difficult with him, he can hard carry in gold and under at least in my experience but he has too many negatives like roadhog he is good in the right scenario but usually his downsides far outweigh any positives

We can’t just buff everyone who’s underused because then something else will become the least used. Then we’ll have to buff that and so forth. Something will always be the least-used. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem with it.

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Tell that to people crying over Brigitte.

Whatever happens. never buff bastion. or brigitte.

yeah dont buff the trash heroes let them stay trash in fact dont balance the game at all


That’s not what I said, but I think you know that. You’re like this in every thread, aren’t you?


nah dont buff the underused heroes ever their fine

They should revert his projectile size and reduce the amount of time that they took around on the ground. That’s the part that can be frustrating and really enables his spam.