Buff roadhog and mei and sombra and sym and reaper and bastion and junkrat

It falls down into this: playing Sombra alone without team work.

Either the player went full TF2 Spy, or no one on the Sombra’s team listens/follow up Sombra’s call out for targets.

Frankly, it is more on the second one than the first. Most Sombra players I came across are very team players.

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Mei was just buffed.
Hog is getting a nerf.

Symmetra needs a tick rate fix.

the problem with sombra is she needs to be more useful on her own, yes she works very well with a well coordinated team but on solo q that is going to be a rare thing

I Want you to awnser me one simple question. out of all ow characters. who do you like most. other than Ana.

I dont like ana definitely reinhardt tho

40 hrs on ana and you dont like ana. and she’s your longest mained support in qp.

Mei doesn’t need buff. She is already really good. Saying this as long time Mei main.

People just need to play her now. She is extremely underrated.

Sombra needs better visual indicator for hack, if anything.

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nah this is just my support alt reaper and rein are my favorites


why the heck do you think reapers good

Reaper is a super critical character to lore. he’s a super effective DPS And Tank buster at CQC Situations. his ult can clear out points in matter of seconds. with nanoboost he’s a storm of death. he represents us edgelords. his voicelines are just. he can destroy an entire team by just picking their members one by one from behind. i can go on and on man.

That one hour you got on him is really convincing.

I checked your account on MasterOverwatch and it seems you don’t have time in competitive with him either. Unless you’ve got an alt you wanna talk about with loads of hours on and post with said account, your words are being taken with a molecule of salt.


Well done? I never said I did. I said I have more time on him on arcade modes. Which I play a lot of.

imagine actually dying to reapers ult in 2018

wowwww you play him in mystery heroes and total mayhem who cares


Due to the inability to check stats on said mode, I can neither confirm or deny this, albeit those modes are meant to be

  1. Different from standard play (i.e. Quickplay and Competitive)
  2. Unbalanced
  3. Non-serious

And thus can not and will not be treated as valid modes for an effective argument.

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Quick play isn’t serious either… And I don’t rename myself a hero to play countless hours on said hero.

Love the fact or not. accept it or deny it. We reapers are just and our names go down in OW’s historybooks as people who kill and destroy without mercy. we’re humans aswell. we love reaper. that doesnt make us ‘‘trash’’ only reaper mains. are just (qp and competitive reaper mains i meant)

nah reapers complete garbage above low plat and needs buffs