Buff roadhog and mei and sombra and sym and reaper and bastion and junkrat

In your opinion. who are the underused characters? Let’s see how well we can get along after we went to war.

reaper torb bastion 3 worst heroes in the game rn period symm and roadhog aren’t great rn either and idc about sombra

Okay i’ll agree with torb. bastion and maybe symmetra?. roadhog is a middleground to me. but i’ll never agree with my precious reaper. he is used. well in CQC Point maps mostly. like nepal. and anubis. I’ll define cqc for you. points that arent round and have a huge thing in the middle acting as cover for both teams.

hes medicore in close quarter combat and trash everywhere else maybe hes good in your gold games :man_shrugging:

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the issue is roadhog’s pickrate isnt the worst but he has the third worst winrate in the game, he can go like 4 months without reaching a positive winrate once and that is just not good for any character

want your get out of elo hell card? Roadhog’s your pick! (well most people agree on this.)

yeah they can go a whole rank lower I got u goaty

well i did go from plat to silver with hog recently :stuck_out_tongue: but before then when he was in a better place i did go from gold to plat with hog i just feel he has stayed the same while everyone else has improved, especially his ult it lags behind almost every other ult and it was never a good ult to start with

May I be completely honest? The only heroes out of these that I think need buffs are Sombra and Symmetra.
Bastion and Junk are OP IMO, and Mei, Reaper, and Roadhog are fine.
I think that Sym and Sombra need damgae buffs, honestly. And Maybe make the deployment time for Sym’s Tele shorter?

i cannot agree with you about a lot of these but of course i welcome differing opinions in these kind of topics, i think a few months ago junkrat was very strong maybe 4 months ago or so but now he is just kinda there…doesnt do anything special that hanzo for example, that said i would give him minor buffs and bastion being good is very niche imo, good on some maps terrible on most imo but depends on the team comp he usually needs a shield to work

reaper and roadhog are not fine

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Sombra - small buff to gun damage.

Roadhog - no falloff, increases clip by one.

Bastion - Idc, I dislike that hero and what he does to gameplay.

Symmetra - Idk; I never play her.

Mei - nothing.

Junkrat - fix the trap so it doesn’t reach out and grab you and and either lower the damage on his grenades/mines or reduce their AOE. Get rid of Total Mayhem. He should get more air mobility in return, like a third mine. Idk really, I don’t play him and he’s just cheap to play against.

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Roadhog: FIx his hook, maybe a damage increase
Mei: Nope, fix her cyro bugs though
Sym: No clue
Reaper: No

reaper yes fixed it for you

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No as in don’t do anything except armor piercing

and buff shadowstep.

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Speaking of Reaper, I put a lot of hours in with him, but as I got better and moved up SR levels, his effectiveness fell off. He’s very good against uncoordinated teams and lower level players, but at higher levels, there are better picks.

i didn’t know torb was getting a rework i’m excited to see what happens with him

sombra recently got buffed, her invis and translocator have been increased to infinite, she is in a pretty good spot. also how would you buff reaper, he is pretty good if you play him smart

Reaper buff, his bullets pierce armor. His teleport should be instantaneous.