Buff roadhog and mei and sombra and sym and reaper and bastion and junkrat

Um, it’s apparent you can’t read… Also ‘kid’. That is just quick play. I know your knowledge is limited, but you could at least try to argue with true facts before looking at 1 number.

I have much more time playing him on other modes.

Okay, so rank shaming now? First of all, I don’t think Diamond is Plat but ok, just proves my first point. How am I the ‘kid’? I haven’t insulted you, yet here you are getting all triggered that my opinion differs from yours.

You’re so toxic. I don’t know how you’re on these forums still. If someone doesn’t agree with you, don’t cry about it and start throwing tantrums.

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you have 1 hour on reaper in qp period and 0 in comp keep getting angry its really funny ReApEr KiLlEd Me As MoIrA iN PlAt sO hEs a gOoD hErOe


mei is currently in a good spot right now, she can snipe with no fall off, she can freeze multiple enemies, and her cool downs are very fair and defensive, she will never be a meta hero thanks to her low mobility, but a good mei can guard a point or choke in more ways than one, i think maybe sym and reaper could use small buffs (for reaper change the way his guns calculate damage so he can make a dent in brigette and other heros with armor, and sym might need a smaller secondary, but bigger primary to help her charge her beam more effectively, while not getting to still abuse her massive orbs.

I’m not angry. I’m not the one insulting people, and them calling them a ‘kid’. I am also not telling people not to listen to you, I am also not rank shaming. I stated my opinion, and you can’t accept that not everyone is going to agree with you.

I have 1 hour on Reaper, so your first point claiming it was ‘0’ is already wrong so thank you. And like I stated, there are more modes than Quickplay. But you fail to acknowledge because you know you’re wrong.

I’m done with this toxic troll. Goodbye.

wow you played a hero in arcade that means nothing keep making hilarious posts about how you got 1 shot by reaper in qp as moira the easiest hero in the game because you cant pay attention

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I probably shouldn’t get involved but can you please stop being mean to him over having a diffrent opinion. Thanks

have you seen her opinion

Yes. Reaper is not fine since Blizz balences around higher ranks but that still doesn’t give you the right to harass her for thinking differently.

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I mean their whole schtick is reapers good because he 1 shot me as moira in qp lmao when hes easily one of the worst heroes in the game and needs buffs

Sorry when did I become a her? I am a he.

That was not my only argument.

k good for you hf being 1 shot by a trash hero you have 0 time on other then ARCADE and QP

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“k good for you hf being 1 shot by a trash hero you have 0 time on other then ARCADE and QP”
You’re making yourself look like a 13 year old bu** hurt child. Grow up.


idgaf what you think tbh reapers trash and anyone who actually think hes a decent pick is 2

Considering my trio comp includes, Mei, Sym and Roadhog. I do not think they need any buff’s.

Some bug fixes for roadhog, re-work teleporter placement for Sym so it is not so buggy (along with reaper’s shadowstep), and my new MEI-n is perfectly fine. Still bugs me that stuns stop her ult but I have adapted to how it works.

I’m just gonna put this right here.
R E A P E R I S G O O D.

Try and change my mind.

worst ability in the game trash ult trash range trash passive only good in lower ranks where ppl have terrible game sense other heroes can do what he does and more but also from a safer range and without being crippled by armor is one of the only heroes without a full set of abilities and a zarya sized hitbox

the only ppl on this forum who actually think reapers good are ppl with almost 0 time on him or ppl who play him against players who just aren’t good

Symmetra’s primary fire needs buffs to its range, ramp time, base damage and tick rate

I honestly think Sombra is fine right now, and I only want two things:

  1. Let me reload while translocating. I can’t count the amount of times that I’ve died because I get stuck in a reload loop while I’m trying to translocate

  2. Change how added armor works somehow. Right now it cuts Sombra’s damage in half which is just way too powerful for how frequently Brig can hand it out. It was fine when just Torb had it, but Brig hands out way too much of it. I shouldn’t have to say “gg we lost that fight” everytime that I hear the enemy “ALLA TIL MIG”

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Roadhog, Reaper and Bastion, yes. Junkrat and Mei, no please.

Sombra and Symmetra, bug fixes first.

i think i was wrong on mei…i stand by the rest though

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