Buff Moira because she needs it!

…well that and Ana has utility unlike Moira. Sleep darts, Nano and antinades are far better than Moiras Orbs or death/liferay. The barrier issue had little to do with it since the Rein that isn’t swinging to deny a few heals is getting clobbered by his opposite. Ana bionade just turns off healing and forces Rein to play passive by virtue of it existing as an ability.

So basically it’s inconsistent to begin with and the argument of consistency that’s been thrown around holds no water?

Pretty much. Claiming it was taken away because of inconsistency is a poor argument to make

Who said dynamite 5 sec cooldown??? 10 sec

my bad
5 sec burning duration :pensive:

But it still 10 sec

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If they give Moira some damage nerfs then sure :))

moira is balanced

should stay that way and she is currently one of the reasons why goats even exists and she is very meta

That’s not how that works.

I’d rather have fade 1 second sooner

Moira is about resource management. Try using your healing balls and ult to heal when you’re running out and you need to heal.

AFAIK her resource meter was buffed a while back, too.

I agree that something needs to be done to make Moira more viable in current meta, but I don’t think a fade cooldown reduction is the answer (though I won’t say no if Blizzard wants to do that).

I agree that restoring her ability to heal though shields would be a good fix since she is the only main healer that can’t, I think even Lucio can, don’t quote me on that though.

Sadly though that makes her very weak compared to other healers I’ve found. Her recharge takes far longer than an Ana Reload (who is the only other healer who’s healing depends on a charge of some kind). I think a good way to fix this would be to increase the regen she gets from her biotic grasp.


In the same patch where Mercy’s base healing was reduced from 60 to 50, Moira was buffed such that her resource meter regenerates on its own a little bit faster, this to help with occasions like long range engagements where Moira is healing but has little opportunity to grasp

Yes the farthest escape and probably the best escape already on the lowest cooldown let’s bring it from 6 to 5


I am not claiming Moira needs that - rather, I am saying that if she were to be buffed, I’d personally rather have that than healing through shields/barriers

understood but qol changes would be good

the problem is since moira release her " fade " changes…
not the skill but the usage changed.

At release she needed fade only for escaping.
Now she needs fade for reaching teamamtes -> and THAN escaping + with strong doomfist and roadhook she needs it for her personally escape and need a new recharge for her teammates.
with ashes dynamite ( 5 second duration ) you need it way more often fade removes burning.

Like most people said … just REVERT her " bug fix " and thats all what she needs.

This wouldn’t be a QOL, it’d be a buff to something that doesn’t need a buff. It would not help her current pickrate.

Making her resources even easier to manage would just be unnecessary. If you are careful you can manage just fine with the current resource meter.