Buff Brigitte, she's useless now

Her stats don’t lie. Blizzard just put out a statement in an interview with Jeff. They still think shes broken and don’t really know how to balance her because more nerfs would be bad but any buffs would also be bad.

If and only IF Goats goes away will Brig ever see a buff. Until then nerfing her more if the only solution.

Birgette can lead to really onesided battles sometimes, where one side just runs over you.

Have you seen Sym’s winrates?

That’s gonna be a no from me dawg

have you seen brigs pickrate? compare brig to sym, when she has as low pickrate as sym.

Having such a hero still in game ( instead of being reworked ) is already a big favor.

interesting opinion even if its wrong. I agree with the principal game designer who has real stats and says shes still OP :slight_smile:

Remember when Jeff also said that Brig is terrible in 2-2-2 but amazing in GOATS yeah I remember that

Jeff is a plat so… ya u go ahead and take that stance and it becomes obvious where u stand LOL

Except that Jeff hasn’t basically confirmed we will get role queue.

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Facepalm They aren’t doing it

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Ah, yes, so useless. She can only stun, healing that gives extra armor, has a shield barrier, has a healing passive, and knockback.

brigitte mains are basically post valk mercy mains, that just because their hero isn’t a must pick busted monster that works anywhere at anytime it means they are weak and that the devs hate them.


I don’t play brig or mercy and think they’re pretty bad atm in 2-2-2.

mercy is FAR from bad. She’s played in 4-1-1 as a SOLO healer with moderate success.
Brig yeah, she’s hard to work with in 2-2-2, but this is only true at higher ranks. She’s still just as effective in lower ranks.

To be fair, Mercy mains had a point. They nerfed her hard because of the Valkyrie power increase and really haven’t done anything to make her better. As it stands she’s actually the worse single target healer. I don’t care what Geoff or Jeff says, having that constant healing doesn’t mean much when you have no form of burst healing and your only form of AoE healing is an ultimate.

You say that Mercy is far from bad in 2-2-2 and then give an example of how she’s played in 4-1-1. Mercy is too weak to be main healer, and lacks the defensive ult to be a viable off healer. But she’s not as bad as brig in 2-2-2.

This community loves to believe that the second a hero is nerfed they are trash. And even small buffs to hero’s that makes them op.

It’s completely irrelevant that’s she’s received nerfs that doesn’t justify buffs.

She’s still meta, she’s still incredibly difficult to deal with, still counters Genji and Tracer. And the devs have said mutiple times now that she hasn’t been nerfed enough yet.

And they have all the stats for her, she’s clearly still winning a ton of games.

Heck even with all new dps buffs on the ptr. It’s been predicted by the pros, and also Jeff and Geoff themselves. That goats will be meta.

well, if she can sustain a team solo, why would she be weaker with a zen as an off healer.
She still has the highest healing per match, she still has the kit of a main healer (nerfing her main healng doesn’t change that, rein wouldn’t become an off tank if they reduced his shield’s health).

she NEVER had any form of burst healing.

She’s not picked for sustain, she’s picked for mobility and damage boost. There isn’t a single other healer that could be used in 4-1-1 because of how split the team is and how no one in that setup can peel for support.

Mercy + zen was a great pick. I don’t know what changed, but landing a single good dynamite as ashe or having torb just counters it pretty hard atm. (And that’s not considering goats even). You have 2 single target healers. It really struggles against cleave.

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