Buff Brigitte, she's useless now

Jeff basically confirmed that she will get a buff once we get role queue so if you just be patient then you will have your favorite paladin back


wait a minute, stop the mother****** music, are you dumb?

Wait role queue is confirmed?

Please no…


Was there anything wrong with my statement?

It was not confirmed but it was hinted and Jeff said he liked the idea. why do you not want role queue?

Long DPS queue times and just in general I think role queue would take away from the competitive experience currently offered instead of improving it.

you mean the pain and suffering that is solo healing or trying to push a bastion when nobody will pick any tank. never being able to play anything but your current hero pool in comp. trying to play tank but oh look your one healer just picked brig. role queue is needed and you might just have to play tank or support sometimes.

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I think they should put focus more on the tank and support side of her and less of the dps side…

Damage Nerf
Self healing buff
Longer time & max armor regenerated by rally.
Shorter animation while missing shot whip.
Smaller shield with 400hp.
inspired time +1 or 2 more seconds

Never had any of these happen. I guess it’s just a thing that people experience at the low ranks, which could easily be solved by said low ranked players getting better instead of changes to the system as a whole.

you mean make her squeaky toy on a rope a pillow on a rope?

Soldier and McCree are the best heroes in the game.

Kind of a problematic idea…
While i agree it can be nice sometimes i still think it would better to add this as an option, sometimes you’d prefer running 0-3-3 or 3-1-2 instead…

If they have Reaper-Bastion for example picking 2 tanks is not necessarily a good idea and if the enemies run 2 really good snipers, goats can be a super useful method.

Useless = I can’t 1v6 the other team anymore. :roll_eyes:


Their current spot is pretty imberacing…
They’re both super weak against shields and since we only have 7 tanks which 3 of them are holding shields they’re spot right now is kind of horrible…

Hopefully Blizzard would release more tanks that can deal with dive,melee,lasers & goats that would help decreasing the amount of Reinhardt,Orisa & winston in competetive… (Not that I do not like them, I am myself a main tank but i would really like to see a more diverse tank pool)

Also new maps that fit these heroes well will be a big buff…
Maps like ilios well & Junkertowen 1st part would be a really good fit.

Literally one of the highest winning heroes in the game- including being one of only 3 heroes to have a 50% or higher at bronze (noting that the other two relying heavily on autonomous facets to be effective at these ranks) with a decent pick rate in the 2-3% range at most ranks (jumping closer to 4% at gm$, meaning she basically popping up every couple of games- instead of being either a must pick or a hero who appears once every blue moon.

She is literally fine, and I promise you at the ranks in question- it’s not like they’re running goats.


I agree that Briggs is feeling meh to play- but I’d argue she needs a mild mechanical rework, more than immediate buffs.

Since her inception I was advocating that she needed mechanical tweaks and without them they’d continue to nerf her numbers until she reached an anemic feeling state.

And I’d argue that this is largely what’s happened.

She’s still effective- but lost much of her capacity to have player-felt shining moments.

Which is too bad. I liked her concept- a lot, but i feel her execution was misdirected.

No hero should be heading down the path she is and it really sucks to see.

LMFAO and here Geoff just said shes STILL a balance problem. Prepare for more nerfs and put more effort into your gameplay experience. Its actually sad how people dont want to try but want results.

winrate =/= good because the other two above her are torb and sym

She’s literally only a problem cause GOATS exist but again outside of that she’s not that great.

I agree. I keep saying she’s the only hero a blind person could play. Old 1.0 Symm was somewhat easy but nothing like Brig.

Also high rank people complain a lot less about Brig than they did Symm 1.0 because Brig helps them win matches more than not.


Win rate by itself is meaningless.

which is why I also included pick rates.

By even gold both sym an torb are picked literally a fraction of what Briggs is.

By gm sym is down to .3 - .4%. Briggs is picked nearly 4% of the time, about 10x as frequently.

Context. I’m a big fan of it.

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