Yes! Now you’re seeing it…
I have a question:
What forms of Bastion have you played?
As in… did you play the original live version?
Or even the beta one?
(I didn’t get to play beta… sadly.)
Yes! Now you’re seeing it…
I have a question:
What forms of Bastion have you played?
As in… did you play the original live version?
Or even the beta one?
(I didn’t get to play beta… sadly.)
Live version, havent tried beta but honestly I looked fine.
Even though people were new to the game, still a good population of the community thought he was balanced.
I would be really happy if your changes you suggested came through though.
(i still remember first time trying overwatch, bastion on hanamura and got my first potg :D)
That is a special thing… Never forget it.
I don’t even remember anything like that when i first started playing…
And yea, Beta Bastion seemed fine, even WAY Under Powered by today’s standards.
He had a Rotation Lock, if you didn’t know/remember…
He literally couldn’t turn around.
No, you~
Never implied it, did I? I’m just saying that you are exaggerating
We’re talking in this patch, currently. We don’t know if the rework is going to do anything since we haven’t been able to touch him. We’re in the present not in the future.
Every F tier hero is being worked on, except for Bastion…
How Am I exaggerating? He literally has the lowest pickrate.
Not in Pirate ship. Pirate ship is awful to play against
Sombra, Junkrat, Mei, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Symmetra, D,Va…
The List of counters to it grows each day.
Are you responding to me?
(the forums never work properly)
And yea… Bastion, even in “Pirate ship” Is Highly counterable.
I can understand Sombra, Junkrat, but I really can’t see the rest. Especially Symmetra, D.Va, or Hog.
-.- It gets hard to even figure out How they kill me.
But they do.
Almost always.
Hell even just a good Tracer or Genji can make a Bastion wish they could play another game, no matter what comp the Bastion uses.
The world may never know
Not in pirate ship. Neither of them should be able to get that close when the Bastion is being somewhat aware
Not if he’s being focused down by… Literally Anyone else at the time.
Free damage on the poor bot.
The point of Pirate Ship is to not let him take damage. He can hardly be focused
Edit: bad phrasing. But double shield can make it very hard to hurt him
Be D,va/Junkrat, Wait carefully for the enemy Reinhardt to have his shield broken/mostly broken, Or wait for the enemy Orisa to place a new barrier, Ult, Profit.
and it’s basically Impossible To actually “rebuild” a Pirate ship afterwards so…
But that’s relying purely on ult, I don’t consider that a real counter. A counter shouldn’t rely purely on ult
And it’s possible! Reinhardt on, followed by bastion. Gotta be quick!
Well… why shouldn’t it take an Ultimate to counter a team effort?
that’s not just the Bastion, ya know.