Buff Bastion.... how about NO

That’s the thing he’s a good place and he can be buffed but doesn’t mean he should be buffed.

By good you mean situational in one instance.
That’s pretty bad.

He’s not in a good place though. He’s very very very very very rarely used because he’s so weak without an entire team to work around him.

yeah his pick rates and win rates really highlight on how good of a place he is in right now

Not even sure why time was wasted on Sombra, Hanzo or Sym since before the reworks they were in great places too


Yeah Zayra/Hanzo ult doesn’t stop Transcendce/Valkrie from saving their team.

No, but a Mercy boost (assuming the PTR thing is a bug) and/or an Ana grenade does.

You realize Zarya pulls them off cart and Dragon gives you interference to stop them setting up. In the mayhem you focus healers

A Mercy damage boosted Hanzo ult, WAS Able to cut through Trans.

That was changed, Because It was such a problem.

Even Zenyatta wouldn’t be able to save his team… It was INSANE.

Assuming that have their ultimates ready, there’s a lot of ways this can go around and there’s a lot of hero combinations that can take this down.

Junkrat… sombra… D,Va… Roadhog…
The list goes on.

Yes its able to cut through if Trans is used alone. But if you apply additionally healing to it, it doesn’t kill anyone. You can block it with Ana nade or Mercy ult on top of Trans.

Wait I thought we were talking about Pirate ship comp. Why wouldn’t the healers be with Bastion and the tanks?

I don’t understand why they didn’t just buff Trans… A boosted dragon is pretty much the only thing that can cut through it anyway, making it a million healing per second wouldn’t really change anything. One shots still one shot, everything else still doesn’t, and boosted dragon is fixed…

So wait I have to have ults to counter this 6 players who don’t have ults on autopilot destroying the team?

So use your own Ana grenade


They should have upped it to 1000 healing per second.

Oneshots still cut through it… It would be perfect.

we are

Have you ever Emp’d a pirate ship?

Once you emp it everyone scatters because they know bad things are coming. Even better when its a Dva bomb

Once the panic is over they have to re-setup. The healers are easy prey as they are focused on getting their formation back


So here’s something interesting… I got BOTH of sombra’s Achievements, in one game, On Junkertown

Because the enemy ran attack Bastion.

I stayed alive long enough to get 15 hacks without dying, and i ulted all six enemies on the Payload.

We won.

This was on the live servers, btw.

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Correct. If you’re in a Grav ur ana throws her nade on the team and Zen uses his ult and the boosted Hanzo Ult can’t kill them.

Your Ana grenade as in your team. The team that isn’t running pirate ship.

Not only would that not work… numbers and timing wise…

But yea… he meant your team, in that scenario.