❄ BTC Mei Tank Rework

I love the idea of making her a Tank, and have felt her kit screams tank since her launch without the numbers to make it work. If they switched Symmetra then why not Mei? :snowman_with_snow:

Yeah. But to be fair, Your normal average human I find are just too gullible, careless and unaware.

So can’t please everyone.

It’s hard for them to see a path without actually visualization.

Nobody Just reads anymore.

Or actually thinks of a passable reality.

Some are just too old fashion and selfish.

The biggest issue is wouldn’t just be number tweaking there’s a chance it might include making a bigger hurtbox and making the model bigger to match

I do question if character size is really a requirement for the role of tank? but say it is, alright she must be large in size - then I propose we make Snowball into her mech :joy:

It really would solve a huge problem. Mei is basically a light tank anyway. That’s why she all the sudden became so powerful after 2/2/2. It’s the closest thing to the old triple tank.

Mei being a tank makes a lot of sense.

I think its more about a “well they are famous so they must be right”

In general celebrities get waaay too much credit in general, OW is no different

I just wished people thought for themselves more

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Humans been wishing that for a millennia.

They need to realize they have bigger issues.

Seriously they never finish dealing with the bigger issues, only living in the aftermath.

Oh, another one of those horrible “tweak numbers” rework.

What tank would she be run with? Zarya? Orisa? Probably no one. I wouldn’t sacrifice a tank slot for a worse DPS (because technically she’s still DPS). And what tanking are we talking about? 250hp wall? Which will be shredded in seconds? I’d rather have Hog-Ball taking shots for me than this “reworked” Mei.

You people need to stop thinking that moving a hero to another category with small number tweaks will magically solve all problems. All you need is get good and start thinking on how to counter heroes. Mei has been nerfed multiple times already, she’s more than fine, she doesn’t need changes.

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He seems to be under the impression that a tank is just something you can tack onto heroes and go at it, by his logic you could turn tracer into a tank with minor number changes which is insane, a tank is more than bloated numbers

I would much rather moving her to support even though he does have a point saying that her kit comes close to that of a tank, however as he mentioned Mei should have a visual rework in order to fulfill the tank role because 350 hp is way too low for a “tank” even with cryofreeze, once that thing is on CD she lacks the tools to soak up damage from range, widowmaker can oneshot her, enough said

If anyone is interested in a support role change proposal for Mei, here you can find mine, not saying I’m right and btc is wrong, I just don’t agree with his proposal and obviously agree with mine

im still mad at BTC for ditching the UHC community T_T

It has been talked about for ages. Especially since the torture of 222. Reworks back to utility/kit dynamics. Making non-dps roles more interesting and helping queues.

Offtanks: Mei, Doomfist, possibly Bastion (he takes space like a tank already).
Offsupports: Symmetra, Sombra, Torb (armor). etc.

You do know tanks are THICC, right? They’re huge for a reason. Mei can’t be tank without Jeff making her model “fatter”. She’d have to get some power armor instead of a fur coat, so she covers more space.

That is addressed in the video.
Mei is not much smaller than Zarya and would have the least HP out of tanks in return…

Do you fools really want a tank centered around CC?

Do you?

Do you really?

I main Mei and would HATE it if she became a tank. Her kit is awesome as it is. You shouldn’t try to fix something that isn’t broke. Leave her alone.

222 queue times are broke and people are sick of brawlish/bruiser dps giving way to “goats through the back door”. OQ really is the answer, but if 222 is stubbornly enforced, her kit as-is could be considered offtank. Tune some +hp, -dps and it’s worth an experiment.

The biggest hurt is for those dps players that 2-3 trick with Mei in their pool. If she goes into tank slot you’re not going to have access to your other dps funsies, and will be expected to be strong in other tanks as part of maining the role. This will affect a lot of dps vs. tank SR, so it’s another reason for OQ freedom, imo.

Now all we need is to rework symmetra into a support and we are good to go

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All tanks are centered around CC.

That’s why they are tanks.


Mei’s hitbox is actually one of few that stick close to her actual model mesh. So increasing her Hurtbox wouldn’t need the model to be bigger at all. If anything, it would make it more consistent with the rest of the roster.


Thats not what CC means broseph and you know it.