Bronze to GM(Educational)

Thank you again for understanding. Like these lot who are accusing me of aimbot i think they are below plat. They need to watch SBB play or Sinatraa or nanohana etc.

Even if you take away the whole “I’m doing bad positioning on purpose,” your other mechanics are still not what you would see from GMs. Also, congrats on plain admitting on throwing games to get down to bronze. And people wonder why it is so hard to climb out of the lower tiers when you get people like Sully who ruin games on both sides. Pairs up with other “GM” friends to get pocket healed and able to kill bronze/silver/gold players (so skill, so wow) which destroys any chance that the opponents have of having a good match. Then you threw games (even soft throwing is still throwing) to get to bronze, which ruins the match for your own teammates.

Honestly, your video is crap, it is not even close to “educational,” and you are part of the problem that people have with Ranked. Congrats…you done nothing but look terrible and be comedy fodder for people like Ragg Tagg.


Are you kidding me. If you are bronze or silver or gold you deserve to be there one or 50 smurfs won’t ruin your chances of climbing because that would mean you play with smurfs all the time which is bogus and a excuse to make yourself feel better. Until you make some type of change in mechanical skill or game sense you will be stuck at your low rank. Say i am a silver player and say i can’t get to gold because of smurfs that is the most outrageous thing i have heard and is absolute bogus. The SR system is very accurate in predicting and knowing your skill level. So is it fair to say hey am a gold player and can’t get to plat because of smurfs?

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You said it was choppy because of a 60hz monitor, yet you are attaining FPS up to 290+ and it’s extremely smooth is a different resolution.

Also, the aim in this video doesn’t look like the other video where you were aiming all over peoples bodies including their toes. I can also tell you have bad aim because you need to align yourself to shoot the bots on the Y plane (straight line) instead of the X plane (horizontal). In your recent video you’re just placing your crosshair on bots that are moving in a very straight predictable line and vibrating your wrist, what do you think that would prove? It doesn’t look like the way you were aiming in your videos, but hey, now I’m teaching you how to cover up your cheating so I’ll stop.

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LMAO am actually i am laughing at you because every time you make a point you seem to be loosing IQ. In that video i still had a 60Hz monitor i changed the resolution so low in order to achieve 75hz with HDMI which is evident actually since the screen is so small. I just was testing how 75hz would feel like. Honestly i still think it was placebo more then anything. And yeah in this video i was using a different sensitivity.

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Didn’t say anything about the SR system, but nice try in deflection. Besides, the SR system is broken mainly because of OW being what it is: a team game. Your SR isn’t based on your own personal skill, but the skill of the team. However, that is discussion for another thread and not for this one.

What I said was that your RUIN the match for not only your teammates, but your opponents as well. You literally paired up with people of your own skill to just go beat up “noobz” because you want help climbing. Explain how that doesn’t ruin Ranked games for those that actually do belong in those ranks and just want a good match? You then just degrade everyone in those ranks like they should just be honored that your playing with them.

I mean, at this point it just seems like you have some very big self-esteem issues honestly. You are so quick to defend yourself and not once admit that your just a egotistical a-hole that can’t even post a video without being silenced. I mean, youtube and twitch are littered with people who are just doing compilation videos of them killing people (urnotjustin for example).

Like, your so quick to defend your aim, but not once answered any of my other questions from above, like as: Why did you drop healing on Soldier in your last video when you were beyond full health and no one was around you? Waiting to be educated…


Show me a timestamp if your going to want to ask me a question regarding the video?

Sure no problem

0:57: why ult against a single mercy? That is just beyond bad and terrible.

1:50 - 3:10 - the soldier play just makes my eyes rolls badly. Why keep dropping healing when you take a small tick of damage? Like you waste it so much it isn’t even funny.

3:40 - 5:30 - honestly, only thing I see is that you can do well with Doomfist when your being literally pocket healed by mercy. Why are you using your abilities so close to the edge when literally you can see at around 3:50 mark you almost fall off?

5:39 - 6:55 - Why the recall when a blink can just work as well? Also, why are you blinking away or recalling when you aren’t even being attacked and doing good dps to a target? Your doing well more blinking than shooting when your right in a person’s face and can empty a clip before even being attacked.

9:10 - end - Why do you not stay behind the Rein shield in team fights? Why are you literally try to shoot people at point blank range? Also (per your earlier comment about your mostly kill participation) it just looks like most of it is your team doing all the work and you just get that one arrow to finish them off. Don’t really see anything spectacular.

Honestly, watching the last video, you literally aren’t good unless your pocket healed. Like you need a mercy up your a** for you to do anything serious in these matches. Your positioning is really bad (oh, but of course that is on purpose because lolz), you can’t manage your abilities, and your aim is quite everywhere. Now if you change any of those things on purpose to keep low, then congrats you are a smurf that deserves to be banned. Jeff said smurfs aren’t a problem, but those that purposely alter how they play to keep low to just stomp below their skill range are a problem.

Course what what you say on how much you change your settings (lol), then yes you deserve to be banned. Like, no one would learn anything from any of this crap and it is just another “bronze to GM” video that is done hundreds of times by countless people. Again, you ruin Ranked games for people and just need to go away at this point.

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Could you also show me which parts i don’t mind explaining :slight_smile:
0:57: Why ult a single mercy? (Part 3 of vid)
A: Honestly beacuse i was just having some fun i was not try Harding or anything. It was literally for fun XD.

1:50 - 3:10: Why you dropping heals 24/7 is what your asking me XD?
A: I drop the healing beacuse of multiple reasons. For example if i am taking damage of course or if i suspect any incoming damage. Like that first clip there was a junkrat on the roof i could’nt get to him but he kept spamming and i was taking dmg that is why i did that.

3:40 - 5:30: Why am i using all doomfist abbilities when super close. Basically your saying am not using doomfist toolkit properly for example. The rocket punch should be used for escaping rather then DPS yes i understand that.
A: First of all they were grouped up near the edge i was trying to throw them off the map which i did. And no i did not almost fall of the map i was paying attention to where i would seismic slam. Also i used his RP for crowd control and DPS only because i was surrounded by my team so it was an exception or a fight i knew i would easily win. Especially considering the fact i was being pocketed by mercy. But in my own rank i would use doomfist very different more of a assassin of course like get in get a pick and RP outside fast. And repeat etc.

5:39 - 6:55 Why am i blinking more then i am doing dps i assume that is what you are saying.
A: Tracer is a very squishy character i am better of staying alive then getting one pick and making it pointless when i die in the process too. Keep in mind i was playing against a roadhog and mcree each could kill me with a stun or hook so yes i was playing very carefully.

9:10 to end :slight_smile: Well that was my last match so i decided to record the whole video. And i never ever used hanzo before i only go to there faces beacuse it is more easier for me to flick with his projectile compared to me being behind the shield and sniping. Obviously this is not how you should play hanzo as he is a sniper at the end of the day. But again in my deffence i broke the enemy shield so many times and picked crucial enemies etc. But never have i ever said my hanzo is master level or whatever. I only used hanzo for fun.
If you want to ask me more questions or perhaps still not satisfied with my response let me know. But don’t be toxic and start calling me an A*H etc.

^^ look at previous comment. Also, i at the very least specified the heroes you were playing. At this point, look at it yourself since it is you playing.


Forum Moderator Note: While we encourage constructive discussions, please refrain from insulting other posters.

I’ve learned so much from the messages of the OP. I’ll be GM in no time too! /s

Ok here i play only mercy the whole game :slight_smile:
and i don’t know my dude i guess these lot have not seen many people with my aiming style when tracking targets :slight_smile:
Quality will get better in a few mins.

Here I thought mmr manipulation was banworthy and multiple streamers have gotten banned over doing these kinds of challenges, such as stevoo, reason why nobody does these anymore.


I mean that’s pretty good feedback i won’t lie the reason i didn’t pocket phara that much was because there are 4 other team mates that will need me to heal them. Yes there was a Ana on the ground who does have a higher healing output then mercy but still nothing wrong with doing what i did. And generally speaking if the phara does not get a few picks then pocketing her would be slightly pointless. I looked around constantly because that is what i am used to when i am playing mercy at GM level well everyone is trying to kill you and have really good aim it is a good habit. And i did power boost if you bothered watching but if i see an opportunity to heal i would rather do that as power boosting is essentially a bonus to be honest. The times i will power boost is if a ally has been hit with a grenade by Ana then you should power boost. Or if someone is stalling on the point and you want to get rid of them quickly or perhaps if everyone is at a decent amount of health. If you notice most mercy mains will try to rez a ally and risk there lives obviously i was very smart and could easily make quick judgement on when to rez if it is safe when to be aggressive passive etc. But hey your feedback is greatly appreciated. A good mercy is a mercy who dies the least amount of times. In the video you can see i only died once. Which honestly was my fault because i was out of position and learnt from it and did not die again throughout the whole game. Oh yeah phara is actually really good ally for escapes she does wonders XD.
Wait did you just remove your post my dude XD

this is how it should be done…

now go away.

So for some reason my post got removed…You reporting people on the forums?

No if i reported you why on earth would i write some long paragraph replying to you hahaha. but dw i read what you said :slight_smile: Also you said you were in gold what type of heroes do you play what are you good with? Maybe i could help?

Reason I ask is because another one of my posts got completely removed to, but hey whatever. The instance I was pointing out is times when your team is completely healed. Instance is when your capping A and just waiting. You could boost widow there and maybe she could get a point as your Rein is suiciding in. Those things can help turn the tide on certain maps.

Yes I do agree with you that dying is not good, but also being too passive can be bad as well. Also, since you said you main mercy, I notice sometimes you popping your ult at some bad times. The genji time was good, the others it seemed more like an escape. If you die during those times, then so be it, but keeping that ult during a Mei ult, Genji ult, or even when your about to make a final hold in order to solidify the win. Just a heads up is all.

Honestly…I don’t need any help that doesn’t involve practice. My rig is not the best, my mechanical skills are decent, and I casual. I don’t care about rank at all, I just hate rank shamers. Having a good game sense doesn’t always transfer into good mechanical skills. Also, I am subject to the giant roulette wheel of players in Ranked because most of my heroes I like to play depend on them. So when I play on the weekends (like most of the “bad” people) the chances of me getting good people is down. Add the smurf issues (like yourself) then it just doesn’t make it worth to play Ranked right now, and QP and MH is more fun IMO.

Honestly wouldn’t have replied if it wasn’t for your bashing of the people who responded to you. They all have valid points that you just gloss over, and they have legit concerns. Here is a person doing a bronze to GM challenge, under the guise of “education,” and really has many flaws in his own gameplay. Would still like to know where my analysis went, but whatever. Maybe just edited too quickly or something.

I’m sure it’s been said but in case not, raggtag made a hilarious video on this post. Just throwing it out there.