Bronze and proud!

People shame a lot of bronze players :frowning_face: And make fun of us :confused: But why though? We are just playing in our natural place in the ranking system, it’s not like were bothering you guys up in higher rank. In fact it’s you guys in higher ranks bothering us sending down your damn smurfs :sleepy: If anything we bronze players should shame you guys! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Bronze players keep it up! :hugs:


You guys’ opinions matter, don’t let anyone talk you out of debates on characters because of ranks or anything.
Long as you enjoy the game, it’s what matters. I know you have enough knowledge to have actually good things to bring to the table.

Much respect from up there. Sorry some of my peers broke the escalator.


What about us silvers?


Making fun of people for rank is dumb. If you’re happy playing the game, that’s what matters.


Our friendly neighbors :hugs:


Don’t be ashamed.
Bronze level is ok.

And tbh, until we reach Masters, we are all garbage players. So let’s make a huge family of bad players. :slight_smile:


As far as I must say: There is nothing to be proud about being bronze …

… At least you’re not smurfs. Those dudes are the literall rock bottom

Keep it up Bronze ranks, one day you will raise from the ashes :smiley:

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Well I’m proud of it! Go team bronze! :blush:


No offense but casual players usually end up in gold. To be in bronze you either should have a really bad PC/Internet connection (below 60 fps on minimal graphics, freezes, frequent disconnects) or some literal motoric disability (like hands not moving properly).

Though here i recently saw a topic from a literally deaf player who is in gold (which is seriously impressive considering how important is sound in this game: i’m almost GM and when i play in plat with music overpowering game sounds, i cant even carry there) :joy:

Not trying to humiliate low ranked players but i just feel weird how it is possible. I have a friend who is low plat and he literally solo carries in bronze. Cant stay there even by choice – system pushes him up even if he tries to lose on purpose.

Bronze players must be better then :blush: Go bronze yay :hugs:


Not really. I saw a few videos from people being Global Elite in CS:GO with flawless aim and tracking, ending in bronze because of hilariously bad decision making and 0 game sense


Neither is being a Sym main… But here we are :slight_smile:

We’re all proud of who and where we are and that’s damn fine :smiley:

Not everybody is equal when it comes to videogames.
Some people are naturally good (you’re GM, you’re one of them).
Some people are naturally bad.

That’s pretty it, no one should be shamed for that. I’m not able to paint or draw even better than mediocre childish things, I shouldn’t be ashamed of that, that’s ok.


Try racing. Last place is place too.

You would think right?

I had a game the other day on offense in Junkertown. I notice a 250+ level account with an account around oh 25. We all acknowledge (in QP) that the comp is just for fun, no tanks, 1 healer. We lose. I say “well at least we had fun” and the 250+ says they didn’t. I say well, I did anyhow. The smug response: “well this is probably why your still in your rank” … from a Masters level player… I’m like wtf, it’s just QP and we all acknowledge it was for fun, and with all that you still have to make a cheesy rank shaming attempt to let everyone know your Masters… cheesy as hell…


well, bronze games are funny simply because its not the real Overwatch we know… people do whatever.
a Bronze Genji player dash to 6 man team and die and scream in voice chat “ANA HEAL ME OMG” its just funny.

but the fun part by being bronze is the fact that you gotta improve urself and climb. when u climb consistantly out of bronze and silver and gold… you know youre improving and your skill is getting better.

also what funny in bronze is the fact that you can be afk and Win games. simply set up your Torb’s and Symmetra’s turrets or get a team kill by sending Bob


I don’t think all high ranked players are like this at all, but a few just found something to boost their egos with

To be fair, anyone below masters isn’t much more special than a polished t*rd anyway, and this is coming from a plat.
People need to get off their high horses, unless you’re literally t500 there’s always someone who’s going to laugh as hard at your game-play as you do at the bronze hanzo main with a 12% weapon accuracy.


It’s amazing how many grumpy master players you encounter in QP that try to flaunt their rank over their teammates when they lose. Like bruh, we’re master. We’re not gods, and you contributed to that loss just as much as the rest of them. Plus, it’s QP. It’s an entirely different game with a lot more emphasis on ‘play what you want’ than winning.

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Good point, wish I had thought to say that. In effect, they were disavowing themselves from any responsibility from the loss…

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