Bronze and proud!

Yes I want to improve and climb, but I’m having a lot fun playing bronze :blush: Well most of the time :blush:


Unless your getting paid, you’re just a person playing video games like the rest of us.

No employer or attractive female ever asked me back in the day ‘How good are you at Halo?’


Cant say you’re wrong but cant say you’re right either. This dude has very good aim but no gamesense whatsoever, he’s playing only qp in this video but i bet he’d mostl likely be placed in plat firstly.

I’m normally a hard opponent to statement “aim is harder than gamesense!”, but this video is a nice demonstration. You can get as high as high plat/low diamond with very good aim but bad gamesense (if you’re an FPS veteran who just started playing) or with good gamesense while not being able to aim for (i would again get banned for swearing even with ***, so just imagine this word)

I mean, bronze players are people as well, ofc. And i perfectly understand when someone only starts in bronze but climbs to at least gold in a few seasons (without even tryharding, merely by better understanding of the game). But it’s literally impossible for me to understand how it is even possible to stay in bronze for multiple seasons. As i already said, it’s physically impossible to stay in bronze on smurf even for my low plat friend – the system pushes him up even if he tries to lose on purpose (like +50 - 10).

Quickly erases “Plays Dark Souls to relax” from my CV and resume



"Can slay Gaping Dragon with ease on N+’


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Wow I’d never realized there were only one letter between fired and hired.

It’s a slim line between success and failure.

Don’t forget that it’s not just adults/teens in overwatch.

In QP i’ve had a few games with consistently bronze players who turned out to be just VERY YOUNG. Probably 5-8 from the sound of them, and they were all really sweet, and trying their hardest.

Others might have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it hard to play, it doesnt meant they shouldnt play, or be excluded, or not have an opinion because of their rank.

Sometimes it might be a bad pc setup, and occasionally i have come across pig headed toxic players determined they know best - but that happens in all ranks.

Enjoy the game, and ignore anyone making fun of your rank.


Or there’s us adults who just don’t have the time or energy to commit to improving as much as we’d like. Working at a desk staring at a screen for 8 hours, commuting home, then thinking, “Do I really wanna be spending my evening staring at a screen or do I want to see friends and family?” Playing Overwatch is never going to be the most important thing in my life.

Watching it however… #ACESHIGH

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I’m a ps4 mystery heroes scrub, so I have no idea what my position would be :smiley:. But bronze sounds fun :grin:


I could be a pro if I abandoned my wife and kids and quit my job…

I’ve seriously considered it since I’m pretty good on the PS4.

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Well it’ll make a more interesting mid-life breakdown than the usual :smiley:

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For me I can safely say I don’t have the proper game sense to climb, so it’s not just about moving hands wrong it’s deeper than that. Without going into personal details about my age I can also say I’ve been gaming for YEARS and my reactions aren’t as fast as they used to be. I played Quake 3 Arena when it came out and played Rail Only where I developed my aim but when I stopped playing it I got rusty and will probably never get that back again ever. I’ve accepted that I’ll never get out of bronze but I will always try my best and never give up until I take my last breath.


Yeah I put up gameplay footage before on this forum and people said my aim was alright but my ability usage was bad and game sense was bad and that it was what stopped me from climbing.

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Good on ya! 20characters

I was in bronze for a year. I managed to climb out but I will always remember my time there.


we don’t shame bronze.

We shame the bronze who talk about balancing and want to decide how it goes forward, based on their perspective.

So bronze ahead.

Well doesn’t majority of playerbase consist of bronze/silver/gold, if anyone is to have anything to say about balancing surely it’s the largest playerbase :slight_smile:


You would be surprised how many terrible players there are in Masters.