Bronze 5 forever? won another 7 games still bronze 5

Hi I’ve played overwatch 1 way back 2016 and havnt touched it again eversince. so I just came back now because its overwatch 2 and it looks nice and back then i really did sucked in fps games i just reached platinum in ow1 way back 2016 and right now I won my 7 matches as dps and got placed in bronze 5 and then won another 7 games but still it didnt rank up. i’m stil in bronze 5 and then another 7 matches won and still bronze 5. what the hell is going on lol. and then recently I decided to play tank to get the 7 wins but yeah still placed bronze 5. for context no i did not suck playing competitive I was mostly carrying as a DPS or a Tank. I’m also an Immortal in Valorant so yes I have that aim as well. just so frustrated that my rank doesnt seem to go up at all


okay you won 7, and how many you lost?


i won 7 and lost about 3 in both dps and tank role


Yeah the ranked system is really kinda trash and patronizing.

“You cant handle seeing your rank, you need protection”.

Also, it may kill people’s will to grind due to the hidden nature and not understanding why it’s putting you where it is. Just dumb in general. Old system way better.

Win? +20
Lose? -15

There wasn’t an issue.


Maaaaybe show a review? Maybe we can tell where your strengths and weaknesses are.

Check their news. They explained how the new competitive system works.

7 wins changes your rank, 20 loses also changes.

If you won 7 games on damage your rank will be defined. Then, you need another 7 won on damage to increase it again.

Same goes for tank and support.

Are you sure that you’re actually playing on the same role on those wins and are not counting the placements?

In theory, the new system is way more precise and have more consistency than the previous one. Due SR not messing much your MMR. That room they only had with placements now fixes the huge fluctuation on skills within ranks.

You rank role should change at least once every 26 matches. At the minimum of 7 if you win 7 matches at maximum of 26 if you won 6 and lost 20 or lost 19 and won 7.

Go on replay sections count the number of games and their results. Do the math, if the number doesn’t checks out. Report on bug report section. Although I don’t exactly know how they’re dealing with placement matches tbh.

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Only a few players have been able to play. I know I haven’t. You’re not climbing because there aren’t enough people for your rank to increase after a win. There are just not a place for you to move up into, because there’s just not enough flexibility with so few players.

Bronze 5 is the bottom. You could move up to bronze 4 if you are consistently winning at that tier that is likely pulling in players from all the way into silver.

And having few players does the opposite of what you are suggesting to begin with.

I think this is agnostic. Although maybe his mmr is accurate to the point that decided not to make him climb or drop.

There’s a line:

Competitive updates will show your progress and adjust your division, if necessary.

Maybe wasn’t necessary to adjust his division. Only top 500 doesn’t have divisions inside of it.

Well, if he’s actually silver, let’s say. But if a majority of those who have been able to play so far to get in are gold or higher, it’s going to skew the bell curve to the right.

His SR is, like all SR, “graded on a curve” so to speak. The most common players are gold, and the rarest players are in Bronze and GM.

If “gold” players in OW2 were OW1 GM’s, then that suggests that the most common players able to play right now are higher ranked.

You’re always going to be sorted below a GM unless you yourself are also one. If they’re being assessed at “gold” you’re going to have to be below that by a proportional amount.

bro im just as confused as you are; i think i won like 14 games in a row but am still bronze 5. i get placed into b5, win 7 more and… am still b5…? how are people being put into silver grades?? do we all not start at bronze?


guys my concern is really simple. there is really a bug happening. how am i not bronze 4 atleast after doing the 7 wins stuff 3x? lol

im not the only one experiencing this


Because, wait for it — You have the skill of a bronze 5 player! >__>

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The matchmaker seems to be putting a lot of gold players in bronze. I’m a gold Lucio and won most of my ranked games and got bronze 3. I played a game a few hours ago (when the servers would let me on) and it looked like other players were also recent gold players from OW1. So I dunno. Perhaps the ranked system like a lot of other things is bust.

That said I don’t mind being in bronze, it is just annoying if in reality it is gold. And presumably gold is the new plat/low diamond etc.


It’s bugged

Blizzard have yet to comment on or fix it


I don’t even see a point to play ranked with this system just because there is no way to know where exactly you currently are nor how much of a progress you are making.


Comp is an absolute mess. Everyone is classed as bronze including clueless players and platinum (OW1). Result is lots of leavers and 1 sided games.


I’m diamond 3, which is about the same range as where I was in OW1 (3200s-3300s). For me it seems like it isn’t messing up.

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Diamond is above the cesspool level, not affected.


I’m same did my 7 placement match lost 2 matches during placement matches got b5. Won 7 more and lost 2 during the next 9 games and still bronze 5. I’m healer and most of my games have been highest healing with more damage than some of the dps.
