Bronze 5 forever? won another 7 games still bronze 5

I’m bronze 5 too
I was a kid when I played overwatch 1 first season so I’m bad
But that doesn’t mean I’m still bad now
There is clearly a bug on competitive I have 7 win streaks and still stuck in bronze 5 …


That’s not how it works.

Each role has its own rank so wins in one won’t help losses in another.

I liked the old system better

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I have the same problem, I made several victories in a row and I was ranked bronze 5 but then I made my 7 victories but I remained stuck bronze 5 without being able to go up a division.I would like to be able to fix this bug and continue to play in ranked


yeah man its so much better to just not know where you are with your rank, it was such a bad system to see your actual rank go up and down. this game is a joke.


…when I first saw the new system explained I was like “it’s just doing the same thing but hiding the results…” :upside_down_face:

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Thats not how its working.

I went 7/7 heal 7/8 dps. Bronze 5 placement.

7/8 heal 7/9 dps on my next set where its supposed to bump you up and it still just said bronze 5.

I dont care that im in bronze 5 but if I win a set w/ 70-100% win rate I should go up one level at least.

If its working as designed and you need like double or tripple sets of high % wins to bump up 1 level in a tier, count me out.


Most likely is a bug, sometimes having 7 wins or 20 loses doesn’t mean you would change the rank. But that kind of thing shouldn’t be common unless your MMR is well defined.

Your MMR is agnostic to wins/loses, because effectively gauges your performance not the result. The new system handles that by not giving per match but for each 7-26 matches, making your tier near to the MMR. Usually you should increase or decrease your tier, but eventually would be somewhat “common” not having much change about it. Due your performance reach a spot that doesn’t fluctuate much unless you spend some time without playing or actually improve it.

A number of people have reported this and we don’t know if it’s a bug. We know they lowered people’s SR a lot for OW2. Maybe because you’ve been gone so long, they lowered it so that it’s significantly below the Bronze 5 threshold?

Bronze was intended for the bottom 8% of players, somehow I’d highly doubt the current distribution reflects that.


Just had the same thing happen. I’m currently 14 and 4 as tank (I think, maybe 5 losses), and just ranked from bronze 5 to bronze 5. Its beautiful. Same scenario where I haven’t played OW1 in quite a while.


Same here, the first time I did 7 wins and 19 losses. With that experience, next time I performed way more better and did it with 7 wins and just 3 losses, but still got Bronze 5!? WTF Blizard!? There isn’t any feeling of progression at all, you are feeling like in a completely casual arcade game without any sense of completion. I hate to say that but Rogue Company is another arcade multiplayer game and with a worse matchmaking than OW 2 right now, is feeling more competitive and challenging than OW. You have a sense of progression in there whilst in OW 2 just endless stagnation.


I have been playing OW1 since the start, fell into bronze gradually as support.

Placed bronze 5, 5ook me 4 wins of 7 (all of which were positive, so 7-5, 7-6, 7-2 etc) untill I moved to bronze 4, next 7 bronze 2, next 7 silver 5

It will move you up (assuming stats count too), but also assume we were buried deep in the bronze 5 pot to start

hi so just an update on this post i got to bronze 2 after 28 wins looks like for me as a returning player being in bronze 5 was way more deeeper than it says youre bronze 5. maybe im like in copper 5 or something at the start. now im currently silver 1 and happy after so many wins lol

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Yeah I think it’s pretty much working correctly but they messed something up in the initial adjustments. If they think returning players are so rusty they belong in bronze, fine, but there’s no point in putting people lower than Bronze 5.

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…the ranking system cares more about your individual contribution to the match and cares little if you win or lose (although winning may suggest you played well).

Why is this distinction important? :thinking:

You can win 7/9 games and be hard-carried by your team with you doing little, or

You can lose 7/9 games but be MVP every game. (unlikely but I’m illustrating a point).

Remember the ranking system is placing ‘your hero’ against other players of ‘your hero’ in your rank (it doesn’t actually care about the match result much), if you’re doing better, you’ll climb, if not, you’re likely at the rank you deserve… :slight_smile:

Its a bug.

Theres the same bugs in valorant actually for some players.

Cs its just a feature.

Nah its actually broken. Had an 8 game winstreak on dps, upgraded back to bronze 5. Was playing in gold games on tank, placed me bronze 5. Now i can’t queue with my friends. Im actually done with this game.

Seems like a bug. Many of the people with this specific issue have problems with their stats too. They aren’t updating properly or are not updating at all (for me, for example, shows 0 minutes played in competitive with any character, despite been through 30 competitive matches). That means 0 victories. If the game use this data to rank you and it is always 0 it put you at the bottom. Hope Blizzard fix this soon.

same with me. I won almost all matches and get Bronze 5. than playd again, won 7 in 9 matches, steel Bronze 5. no way. its a bug!